archives of nethys

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Your fearsome displays instill fear longer, If you have a free hand, you take 1d6 less damage from falling, don’t fall prone from falling, and gain benefits in zero-g maneuvering, +1 Stamina Point per character level and other bonuses, Improved Combat Maneuver (trip), base attack bonus +5, Knock a target prone when you bull rush them into an obstacle, Scurry, Acrobatics 10 ranks, racial bonus to Dexterity, size Small, You use your small size against larger foes, Trick an attacker into shooting at another enemy adjacent to you, Spend RP to use Adaptive Fighting more often in a day, +1 bonus to attack rolls with all weapon types you are proficient with, Weapon Specialization, character level 3rd, Deal extra damage with all weapon types you are proficient with. Wis 15, character level 5th, no levels in mystic, Gain the ability to cast minor mystic spells, Reroll your initiative check and automatically win ties, Time your release of a grenade to increase its effectiveness, Allies gain a +1 bonus to ranged attacks against foes you threaten, Reveal a cosmic truth that makes one target who fails a Will save confused for 1d4 rounds. Temporarily create low-level armor upgrades, Grip your weapon with more hands to move foes farther with combat maneuvers, Shout a warning to your allies, causing them to stop being flat-footed, No penalty to attacks with advanced melee weapons, Key ability score 15, Dex 15, Mobility, caster level 4th, Cast a spell at any point during movement, When you make an attack in the surprise round against a target that has not yet acted, gain a bonus to attacks and damage, If you fail the Perception check to act in the surprise round, you can still take a full defense action, Disrupt devices, causing targets to become shaken for 1 round or more, Anger a foe, causing it to become off-target and take a -2 penalty to skill checks for 1 round or more. In times of danger, you can alter your body to protect your most vulnerable organs. You have a talent for dealing with ancient technology. Your training enables you to adapt and evolve formidable temporary defenses. Creatures Equipment Setting Spells/Rituals Rules + Actions/Activities Conditions Rules Traits. Keep your gauntlets shield bonus when attacking with it, Shield Gauntlet Style, Weapon Focus (gauntlet or spiked gauntlet), proficiency with bucklers and light shields, Treat your off-hand gauntlet as a buckler, Shielded Gauntlet Attack, Shield Gauntlet Style, Weapon Focus (gauntlet or spiked gauntlet), proficiency with bucklers and light shields, Increase damage when using a gauntlet and use it to perform disarm or steal maneuvers as an attack of opportunity, Attempt a free combat maneuver when you hit an opponent with a shielded staff, Add your shield's enhancement bonus to your shieled staff's shield bonus, You can create a shielded staff by attaching a buckler or light shield to a polearm, spear, or staff, Treat magic items as magically enhanced improvised weapons, Add weapon properties to a wielded improvised weapon, Deal damage with improvised weapons as though they were larger, Precise Shot; Weapon Focus; base attack bonus +7; Intimidate 7 ranks; Improved Called Shot, targeted strike swashbuckler deed, or targeting gunslinger deed, Frighten your target when you use an aimed attack, Precise Shot, Signature Strike Style, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +9, Intimidate 9 ranks, Inflict an AC penalty when you use Signature Strike Style, Precise Shot, Signature Strike Style, Signature Strike Taunt, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +11, Intimidate 11 ranks, Inspire your allies when you use Signature Strike Style, Sisterhood Style bonuses increase, use teamwork feats more easily, Grant adjacent female allies greater protection from Shield Wall, Cha 13, Shield Focus, Weapon Focus (longsword), base attack bonus +2, +1 on Reflex and Will saves and use teamwork feats more easily, Con 13, Skyseeker Style, Skyseeker Thrash, Step Up, base attack bonus +9, Treat your weapon as one sizze category larger against creatures larger than yourself, Dodge towards creatures attacking you with reach weapons, Con 13, Skyseeker Style, Step Up, base attack bonus +4, Gain a damage bonus against larger creatures, Quick Draw, Slipslinger Grenadier, Slipslinger Style, Throw Anything, Weapon Focus (sling) or weapon training (thrown) class feature, warslinger racial trait, Use a sling to hurl multiple alchemical weapons, Slipslinger Style, Throw Anything, Weapon Focus (sling) or weapon training (thrown) class feature, warslinger racial trait, Use sling to hurl alchemical splash weapons, Weapon Focus (sling) or weapon training (thrown) class feature, warslinger racial trait, +1 damage with slings, do not provoke attacks of opportunity when reloading, Str 13, Improved Sunder, Smashing Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, Reduce the hardness of objects you sunder, Str 13, Improved Sunder, Smashing Crush, Smashing Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +6, Reduce the armor bonus of armor you sunder and increase the armor check penalty, Str 13, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, Get a free bull rush or trip when making a sunder attack against armor, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Snake Sidewind, Snake Style, Acrobatics 6 ranks, Sense Motive 9 ranks, If opponent misses you, make an attack of opportunity as an immediate action, Improved Unarmed Strike, Snake Style, Acrobatics 3 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks, Gain a bonus to avoid being knocked prone, and use Sense Motive check to confirm critical hits, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 1 rank, Sense Motive 3 ranks, Gain +2 on Sense Motive checks, and deal piercing damage with unarmed attacks, Snapping Turtle Style, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +3 or monk level 3rd, Your shield bonus applies to your CMD and touch AC, Snapping Turtle Clutch, Snapping Turtle Style, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5th, AC bonus increases by 2, and opponents receive –4 on critical confirmations, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +1 or monk level 1st, Gain +1 shield bonus to AC when at least one hand is free, Dex 17, Spear Dancing Spiral, Spear Dancing Style, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, Gain reach when using the Spear Dancing Style, Dex 15, Spear Dancing Style, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, Gain Weapon Finesse while using Spear Dancing Style, Dex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, Gain the Double feature with a polearm weapon, Dex 17, Dodge, Mobility, Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, Spring-Heeled Sprint, Spring-Heeled Style, base attack bonus +11, proficiency with light armor, Attack two creatures when using Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, Spring-Heeled Style, base attack bonus +7, proficiency with light armor, Move up to twice your speed when using Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, base attack bonus +4, proficiency with light armor, Dex 13, Charging Stag Style, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Attempt a free grapple check at the end of an unarmed attack with charging stag style, Charging Stag Style, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Stag Horns, After successfully pinning an opponent with charging stag style, additionally knock them prone or deal more damage, Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Startoss Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, Make an extra attack with thrown weapon as a standard action, Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Startoss Comet, Startoss Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +4, Make attacks at other opponents near initial target while using Startoss Style, Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, One opponent who misses you provokes an attack of opportunity, Perform a free combat maneuver when making a full attack, Treat stick-weapons as though they were masterwork and had certain weapon properties, Gain bounses while using the pistol-whip deed, Stock-Striker Style, base attack bonus +7, pistol-whip gunslinger deed, Follow through when using the pistol-whip deed, Point-Blank Shot, Stock-Striker Style, Stock-Striker Sweep, base attack bonus +9, pistol-whip gunslinger deed, Execute a creature you knock to the ground with the pistol-whip deed, Str 15, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Street Style, Street Sweep, base attack bonus +8 or monk level 7th, Gain x3 critical multiplier with unamed strike, Str 15, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, base attack bonus +4 or monk level 3rd, Deal extra damage and bullrush in urban areas, Str 15, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Street Style, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5th, Follow up attack to knock bull-rushed foes prone, Str 13, Dex 13, proficiency with medium armor, Str 13, Dex 13, Swift Iron Style, proficiency with medium armor, Str 13, Dex 13, Swift Iron Style, Swift Refuge, proficiency with medium armor, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Swordplay Style, Swordplay Upset, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +7, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +3, +1 shield bonus to AC when fighting defensively, avoid the penalty on the first attack with Combat Expertise, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Swordplay Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +5, Feint against an opponent that misses you, Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Escape Artist 1 rank. You are skilled at quickly demoralizing your foes. Couldn't think of a great way to do it without cluttering up the information. Foes that miss you provoke an attack of opportunity. Bodyguard, natural reach of 10 feet or more, Use Bodyguard to protect allies within reach and increase the bonus and penalty by 1 when protecting a smaller creature, Spent 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to reduce damage from area effects, Make a ranged attack at any point during movement, Dex 15, Mobility or trick attack class feature, Take guarded step as a reaction when a foe misses you with melee attack, Gain two new class skills or a +2 insight bonus to those skills, Make jetpacks, vehicles, and starships go faster, Your critical hits with bludgeoning weapons knock down your foes, +3 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity when making ranged attacks, Become harder to move, and use a reaction to avoid being knocked prone, +2 insight bonus to saves against mind-affecting effects that you can extend to nearby allies, Proficiency with basic melee weapons or small arms, When you successfully feint, your foe takes a –1 penalty to saves against your next spell, Ability to cast spells, character level 3rd, +2 bonus to caster level checks to overcome SR, Unable to cast spells or use spell-like abilities, +2 insight bonus to saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities, Grant an ally a +2 insight bonus against a spell as a reaction, Any racial trait or feat that grants a d20 reroll, character level 5th, When escaping tight spots, you defy the odds, Covering fire grants a +4 bonus to an ally’s Acrobatics check to tumble, You own a trained squox that has an attitude of friendly or helpful toward you, Your pet squox aids you to the best of its ability, Cha 13, Minor Stage Magic, character level 4th, Make an attack of opportunity to stop a foe’s movement.

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