drinker moth distribution

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[citation needed] In Scotland, it is common in the west but not in the east of the country. In choosing the name potatoria ‘drinker-like’, he was inspired by the Dutch entomologist Johannes Goedaert, who had called the animal dronckaerdt ‘drunkard’ “because it is very much inclined to drinking”. Интенсивность окраски может сильно варьировать, известно несколько локальных форм травяного шелкопряда, например, ssp. Yuzhno-Zapadnosibirsky; #22. This is the caterpillar of the drinker moth (Euthrix potatoria) so called because the caterpillar is believed to drink drops of dew on grass stems. document.write ('">'); [8], The fully grown larva is about 6 cm long, hairy, striped and spotted, with distinctive tufts fore and aft. It is locally abundant on coastal grassland on chalky soil, notably on Portland, St Alban's Head and Durlston, and in this drier biotype the foodplant is likely to be tor-grass (Brachypodium pinnatum). Самки значительно крупнее самцов, а кроме того — имеют более мясистое брюшко. Authors Длина переднего крыла колеблется в пределах 2,8—3,9 см. Months seen:  July and August

Males especially are attracted to light. 27.06.2015 16:30, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Zabaikalsky; #29. Main characteristics formalization: Peter Khramov, Vasiliy Feoktistov. Euthrix potatoria (Linnaeus, 1758) = Cosmotriche potatoria = Phalaena potatoria Linnaeus, 1758 = occidentalis Lempke, 1949 = Philudoria potatoria = Euthrix potatoria potatoria = Philudoria potatoria (Linnaeus, 1758) = Philudoria agenjoi De Lattin, 1969 = Philudoria alba Cockayne, 1951 = Odonestis askoldensis Oberthür, 1880 = Philudoria aurantior Lempke, 1960 = Cosmotriche berolinensis Heyne, 1899 = Philudoria bicolor Lempke, 1950 = Cosmotriche brunnea Grabe, 1922 = Cosmotriche brunnea Thierry-Mieg, 1911 = Cosmotriche crucistrigata Lumma, 1938 = Cosmotriche decolor Thierry-Mieg, 1910 = Cosmotriche diminuta Tutt, 1902 = Cosmotriche extrema Tutt, 1902 = Cosmotriche feminalis Grünberg, 1911 = Cosmotriche intermedia Tutt, 1902 = Cosmotriche inversa Caradja, 1895 = Philudoria japonica De Lajonquière, 1978 = Philudoria lilacina Cockayne, 1951 = Cosmotriche lutescens Tutt, 1902 = Cosmotriche midas Bryk, 1941 = Cosmotriche mikado Bryk, 1941 = Cosmotriche nigrescens Lempke, 1937 = Cosmotriche obscura Closs, 1920 = Cosmotriche obsoleta Rebel, 1910 = Cosmotriche obsoleta-berolinensis Tutt, 1902 = Cosmotriche obsoleta-extrema Tutt, 1902 = Cosmotriche obsoleta-lutescens Tutt, 1902 = Cosmotriche obsoleta-potatoria Tutt, 1902 = Philudoria occidentalis Lempke, 1950 = Cosmotriche pallida Spuler, 1908 = Cosmotriche proxima Tutt, 1902 = Philudoria rosea Lempke, 1950 = Philudoria sordidula Cockayne, 1951 = Cosmotriche suffusa Closs, 1917 = Philudoria transitoria Lempke, 1950 = Philudoria uniformis Cockayne, 1951 = Cosmotriche unimacula Foltin, 1942 = Philudoria variegata Cockayne, 1951. Click here to support NatureSpot by making a donation - small or large - your gift is very much appreciated. google_ad_height = 600; Травяной шелкопряд на стадии гусеницы обладает в общем темно-коричневым окрасом, плюс пучки темных длинных волосков на 2-м и 11-м сегментах и оранжево-желтые полоски с белыми пятнами по бокам. [6][7] The females lay their eggs in small clusters, mainly on the stem of grasses or reeds. Grasses and reeds form the bulk of the foodplants. Identification difficulty. Habitat includes a wide range of damp habitats particularly those with broad leaved, coarse grasses and reeds as well as being recorded in gardens. document.write ('th'); ; М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2008, [10] de Jong, Y.S.D.M. Evropeisky Tsentralny; #9. Stevenston's wildflower-rich coastline supports a distinctive Окукливание проходит в мягком паутинном коконе желтовато-белого цвета. //-->, About Us | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Links | Advertise | © Copyright 2013 G. Bradley. Эта особенность и дала название виду (potatoria — от potator, «пьющий», а заодно и «пьяница»). document.write ("s"); Each forewing has a white spot in the centre and a diagonal line running from the centre of the wing out to the wing tip.

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