meteosat spatial resolution

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Figure 18: Selected optical layout of LI (image credit: Selex Galileo). Star tracker and gyro data are inputs to the Attitude Determination unit which calculates the necessary updates of the attitude. The algorithm distinguishes between potential fire and active fire.

• The Michelson interferometer generates the interferograms at each position of the scan assembly by highly accurate motion of a corner cube.

In addition LI is capable to acquire, process and transmit to the ground an Earth background image. All the lenses have a spherical profile except one. System tradeoffs: The main tradeoffs for the selection of the LI configuration are: • Single channel versus multi-channel architecture (this defines the FOV of the OC). Preliminary IRS instrument parameters are (Ref.

during the night. Table 8: Summary of the LI optical system parameters, Figure 19: LI coverage using the 4 Optical Channel concept (image credit: Selex Galileo).

The user of IRS data is mostly interested in the information on vertical structures (temperature, humidity and wind at high horizontal, vertical and temporal resolution), which comes from the fidelity of the spectral information.

the determination of trends. This increase in expressive power allows …, Lerchenfeldstrasse 3 The latter is folded at launch and then deployed once in orbit.

Originally, there were two successor instruments defined for MTG - namely HRFI (High Resolution Fast Imagery) and FDHSI (Full Disk High Spectral Resolution Imagery) - whose requirements were eventually combined into one instrument named FCI (Flexible Combined Imager). Figure 6: General overview of the MTG-I (top) and MTG-S spacecraft (bottom), image credit: TAS, The MTG satellites accommodate, respectively, the FCI imager, LI imager and the DCP digital transponder for the Imager S/C (or MTG-I), and the IRS and UVN sounders for the Sounder S/C (or MTG-S), over a payload SpaceWire network for mission data distribution and instrument’s configuration with a total high rate telemetry of 295 Mbit/s (Imager S/C) and 557Mbit/s (Sounder S/C) after RS (Reed Solomon) concatenated encoding and encryption. A global false color composite that uses data from visible and near-infrared wavelengths and is consistent across all the satellites can be queried with the parameter, As Meteosat-11 provides a high resolution scan for limited areas, we provide another composite where we integrate it to provide increased fidelity over Europe. Available Near Real … However, it is possible to display an image with a pixel size different than the resolution.

In this example, the wind vectors are derived IR 10.8 images. Rather, the prime objective of IRS is to support the dynamics via tracking of vertical water vapor structures. Phone +44 (0)1392 357541. - 2001-2003: Phase 1 - High-level user needs & priorities agreed, preparation of Pre-Phase-A studies Table 5: Overview of band specification/requirements for the FCI imager (Ref. This is being followed by preparation of the PDR (Preliminary Design Review) for late 2011.

User Consultation Process & Pre-Phase-A Studies (Phase 0) The remaining 20% of the fuel will serve the satellite’s 16 thrusters to maintain its exact orbit path for the 13-year mission, and for any adjustments required. Please note that the composite is tuned for night time and the presence of sunlight has a significant impact on both the contrast and interpretation of the colors.

The structure of Go is related …, Several new parameters and features have been added to the API lately: Air Density This parameter is now available in the API under the identifier …, In addition to the existing query methods, the new powerful polygon query is now available! 11). The products are available as monthly, daily, and hourly averages on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatial resolution of 0.05° x 0.05°. The data will be particularly important for observing the advection and convergence of low-level moisture associated with some types of severe weather in Europe.
Thales Alenia Space leads the industrial consortium that is building the MTG family. Please note that only certain parameters such as cloud_type(_transparent):idx or specific channels can be useful if queried as non-image data. The satellite OBSW is based on a modular and hierarchic architecture, providing standard “bus” interfaces to all applications. The basic orbit and attitude estimation accuracy performance that can be obtained with standard tracking system and on-board attitude sensors is insufficient for meeting the image navigation requirements of MTG. The data are available from 1983 to 2013 and cover the region ±65° longitude and ±65° latitude. 21): • FCI-TA (Flexible Combined Imager-Telescope Assembly).

The high spatial resolution and the long time series allows the application of the data for climate model evaluation, incl. 7106, Sept. 15, 2008, Cardiff, Wales, UK, DOI:10.1117/12.800244, 29) Sergio Rota, Gary Fowler, Paul Blythe, Donny Aminou, Emanuele Neri, “Monitoring weather and climate from the geostationary orbit: The Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Programme,” Proceedings of the 63rd IAC (International Astronautical Congress), Naples, Italy, Oct. 1-5, 2012, paper: IAC-12- B1.1.1, 30) Wolfgang Benesch, “Role and key aspects of the MTG Mission Team (MMT),” 3rd MTG User Consultation Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, Dec.3-5, 2007, 31) A. Romoli, L. Gambicorti , A. Zuccaro Marchi, F. Simonetti, R. Bardazzi, D. Labate, “The Lightning Imager Feasibility for the Meteosat Third Generation,” Proceedings of the 7th ICSO (International Conference on Space Optics) 2008, Toulouse, France, Oct. 14-17, 2008, 32) Jochen Grandell, Ullrich Finke, Stefano Gigli, Rolf Stuhlmann, “The EUMETSAT Meteosat Third Generation Lightning Imager (MTG-LI): Applications and Product Processing,” EMS Conference, Toulouse, France, Sept. 30, 2009, 33) Daniele Biron, Luigi De Leonibus, Paolo Laquale, Demetrio Labate, Francesco Zauli, Davide Melfi, “Simulation of Meteosat Third Generation - Lightning Imager through Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission – Lightning Imaging Sensor data,” Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. Meteomatics adds global heat index, humidex and apparent temperature to the API. The SMU (Satellite Management Unit) is at the core of the MTG spacecraft, and provides the processing resources and the interfaces to all platform units and the bus management.

water vapour patterns and ozone). 42).

This has a direct impact on the envisaged overall mission development and deployment schedule. The selected optical layout (after a lengthy tradeoff analysis) is composed of four optical channels, each one with an independent single stage lens, detector and baffle. • ESA is responsible for the development and implementation of the space segment technologies and the first MTG twin satellites. Further subsystems are: Helium tanks, the thrusters and LAE (Liquid Apogee Engine), the associated tubing, valves and pyros. Therefore, efficient algorithms for the processing of image and on-board data are requested. - Maximized commonality between MTG-I and MTG-S, Table 2: Summary of key requirements for MTG missions 23), Figure 4: Overview of the MTG industrial core team (image credit: ESA, EUMETSAT, Ref.

This sets constraints on the number of observations that can be accumulated and used in the image navigation processing. Legend to Figure 3: The figure shows the anticipated overlap coverage between the MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) and MTG (Meteosat Third Generation). After its release from the launch rocket, the 400 N apogee engine will propel the satellite from GTO to GEO .

• Providing IC+CG information on a global scale will be a prerequisite for studying and monitoring the physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere regarding NOx, playing a key role in the ozone conversion process and acid rain generation. The SRF, the first from left, is placed tilted to mitigate the ghosts images due to multiple reflections between filters. Preparatory activities for the EUMETSAT MTG series started in late 2000 in cooperation with ESA, following the decision of the EUMETSAT Council to proceed with a Post-MSG User Consultation Process. MTG is the next-generation European operational geostationary meteorological satellite system - a collaborative EUMETSAT/ESA program. A yaw flip is performed around each equinox, to ensure that the satellite –Y side is always protected from sun illumination, which is beneficial to the thermal control of the instruments and AOCS fine sensors. - LI: lightning events detection with a False Alarm Rate < 350/s after ground processing, - 8.5 years in-orbit lifetime / 10.7 years for propellant Following on from MSG (Meteosat Second Generation), MTG is a cooperative venture between EUMETSAT and ESA, and will ensure continuity of high-resolution meteorological data to beyond 2037. The basic LI observation concept is to cover this FOV with four lenses and four detectors, each one covering a square FOV of 8.7º x 8.7º, corresponding to 12.3º diagonal FOV, in order to reduce the incidence angle on the interferential filter placed on the pupil of each subsystem. The current MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) system is expected to deliver observations and services until at least 2018. It is also the master of spacecraft autonomy and FDIR (Failure Detection, Isolation and Recovery) functions. - Comments and corrections to this article are always welcome for further updates.

• IRS will support forecasting pollution and monitoring of atmospheric minor constituents through its capability to provide estimates of diurnal variations of tropospheric contributions of atmospheric trace gases such as O3 and CO. Table 9: IRS atmospheric sounder requirements (Ref. • Overall position accuracy (“achieved” versus commanded): "the maximum absolute angular error within the whole scan range shall be lower or equal to 100 µrad". Instrument overview: LI is composed of one LOH (LI Optical Head) and one electronics unit, the LMI (LI Main Electronics).

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