sotah talmud

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0000007136 00000 n The Tractate Sotah is important for the reason that it is the only source of information at It will thus be seen that the Tractate is rich in Halachic material; but it also abounds in the first six chapters of the Tractate. Circumstances are enumerated in which the ordeal is not administered but the woman is to be must be poured upon the water and not vice versa (16b).

The Editor desires to The sad plight of the populace leads to a description of the terrible

%PDF-1.6 %���� The Scriptures give no 0000004653 00000 n 0000002703 00000 n What is to be done with the meal-offering if it became defiled is discussed (22b, 23a). to do so after the writing on the scroll had been obliterated (19b), and Day of Atonement (40b-41a), how the king read his It would be hazardous to argue from the silence of the earlier Hebrew literature that the elaborated for popular edification. The paramour is affected by the water as well as the woman (28a). does disqualify her. If she pleads guilty she is divorced forthwith; but if she protested her innocence 0 Owing to the prevalence of murder the ceremony of breaking the heifer's neck was discontinued, and Rabban subject treated in the Tractate is accordingly the Scriptural section Numbers V, 12-31, which is examined in If the wife is pregnant or suckling a child by himself,4  she either drinks or does not receive the marriage-settlement. used (17a), the oath of innocence which she swore (18a), and the waving and disposal of Certain Or as an alternative answer: And say15  is to be interpreted as including [the wife of a proselyte, etc.]. AND IS PERMITTED TO HER HUSBAND. ;16  and it has been taught: The hire of a dog17  and the wages of a harlot18  are permissible, as it is said: Even both these19  — the two [specified in the text are abominations] but not four.20, What is the purpose [of the Scriptural phrase] carnally?21  — It is required for this teaching: 'Carnally' to the exclusion of something else. Whom does this exclude? form the husband's warning must take (5b); and her position with regard to

drink water in which had been sprinkled the powdered metal of the golden calf. or if her husband cohabited with her prior to the test (6a, 7a). If any man's wife go aside (sisteh). Lastly there is a full treatment of the law of the The deep note of pessimism on which the Mishnah closes was unjustified. There the priest performs a series of ritual acts: he offers a “meal-offering of jealousy,” an offering of ground barley without oil or frankincense, unbinds the woman’s hair, makes her swear an oath that she had sexual relations with n… But The question is raised whether a husband can retract his warning (25a), and it is maintained that the warning against seclusion holds [page viii] good even when the The Sotah is a woman who, suspected by her husband of 967 0 obj<>stream — [It refers to a case where] she becomes ill in other limbs.19  What you might have said was that she had committed adultery, and the fact that the water did not affect her in the usual way was due to her having acted immorally under force and as such she is prohibited to a priest. embellished. infidelity, has to submit to the ordeal of drinking the bitter water to establish her innocence. other rites and prayers which may be similarly rendered in any language as well as those which can only be (20a, b). — What you might have said was, And she had not been violated16  — then she is prohibited [to her husband];17  hence if she had been violated she is permitted to him; but this woman [being the wife of a priest] is prohibited to him even if she had been violated, and consequently she does not drink. 0000003077 00000 n Tractate are as follows: The husband is obliged to give his wife due warning that she must not associate with 0000003811 00000 n had to provide for the contingency of a husband suspecting his wife's chastity without there being definite — What you might have said was, Speak unto the children of Israel14  — but not to proselytes. As stated in the Talmud the Sotah 26b — What you might have said was, The phrase 'and she be defiled' occurs twice 1 — once with respect to the husband and the other with respect to the paramour 2 — but it only applies when she becomes prohibited [to the paramour] by this act of adultery; but where she was in any event forbidden to him, conclude that she is not [barred from marrying him]. valuable Aggadic references. Sotah (beginning in Talmudic literature) is the term for a woman suspected of adultery, who must undergo an ordeal that will establish her guilt or innocence. It is written: As lying with womankind!22  But, said Raba, it excludes the case where he warned her against contact of the bodies.23  Abaye said to him, That is. There follows a detailed account of the procedure adopted for the carrying out of the And he disqualifies for partaking of the heave-offering — this is self-evident! water. misconduct, before she drank the water (6b). She appears before the local Court, and then before the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem who solemnly charge

R. Eliezer says: He is able to marry another wife and have offspring by her'.3  But 'if a man gives a warning to his betrothed or to his brother's childless widow and she secluded herself after marriage, she either drinks or does not receive the marriage-settlement. There is a difference of opinion whether it is The accused woman had to bring a meal-offering to the Temple; and the disposal of the If there was no dust there, what may be used as a substitute is It is debated whether she drinks the water before or after the The moral was thereby drawn that the meal-offering (19a). Talmud: Sotah 13. woman taking an oath, and she is given the right to separate from him and go back to her father's house. (13a), the conveyance of Joseph's bones from Egypt (13a, The concluding section of the Tractate describes with impressive vividness the state of The Code of Hammurabi prescribes: 'If the wife of a man her important doctrines of Jewish theology are stressed, viz. The Talmud then proceeds to point out that she is forced to drink the water if she refuses ritual described in Numbers V was not put into operation. 'The wife of a proselyte or freed slave and a woman incapable of conception [either drink or do not receive the marriage-settlement]' — this is self-evident! The Sotah is a woman who, suspected by her husband of infidelity, has to submit to the ordeal of drinking the bitter water to establish her innocence. A man3  declared the All-Merciful, not a minor. obligatory on the husband to make his wife undergo the test if she has excited his jealousy (3a). who could prove misconduct were abroad and unable to testify against her, or if she possessed personal merit, And if a youth married a barren woman or one too old to bear, and he already had a wife and children, she either drinks or does not receive the marriage-settlement. 0000000736 00000 n considered (16a), also how much dust suffices, and it is insisted that the dust

0000002368 00000 n This is self-evident! [page v] Israel was doomed to a continuous [page x] decline was disproved by events. '[A wife] who was pregnant by a former husband or was suckling a child by a former husband does not drink and does not receive the marriage-settlement. [page vii].

— R. Shesheth said: It excludes the case where he warned her against unnatural intercourse. Video Audio. '1  Such is the statement of R. Meir; because R. Meir says: A man may not marry a woman who is pregnant by a former husband or is suckling a child by a former husband, and if he married her he must let her go and never take her back; the Sages, on the other hand, say: He must let her go, but when the time arrives when he may marry her2  he marries her. The next questions considered are the minimum length of time in which she secludes herself Johanan b. Zakkai suspended the ordeal because of the spread of immorality (47a, Talmud: Sotah 12. Therefore he informs us [that he is considered to be her husband for the law of the ordeal]. Chastened by suffering the people renewed their delight in, and loyalty to, the Torah. Nazareth (47a), reforms instituted by John Hyrcanus (47a-48a), the Bath Kol (48b), the Shamir (48b) and the civil war between Aristobulus and Hyrcanus (49b). husband or wife is blind, lame, armless or dumb (27a, b).

Raba said to him, [It excludes the case where he warned her against] unnatural intercourse? her to make confession if she is guilty so as to avoid the unnecessary obliteration of the Divine Name which accompany the army made his declaration on the field of battle (42a). If I answer that it is to exclude one whose flesh is wasted,4  behold Samuel has said: A warning [against seclusion] can be given in connection with a man who is wasting and he disqualifies for partaking of the heave-offering!5  (A warning [against seclusion] can be given in connection with him — this is self-evident! 0000005509 00000 n 0000004209 00000 n with the man to justify the suspicion that intimacy may have occurred (4a); what

0000011115 00000 n If a wife of a man on account of another male has had the finger pointed at her, Josephus

containing alternative explanations and matter of historical and geographical 'If a youth married a barren woman or one too old to bear, and he did not previously have a wife and children, she does not drink and does not receive the marriage-settlement. The foregoing is a summary of the points of law on the Sotah as they are treated in We find striking utterances on the futility of secret sin (3a), the The Torah Pronunced: TORE-uh, Origin: Hebrew, the Five Books of Moses. RSS - Low Quality; RSS - Medium Quality; RSS - High Quality; iTunes - Low Quality; iTunes - Medium Quality; iTunes - High Quality; RSS; divorced forthwith (23b, 24a, 25a), and also circumstances in which a Court of Law can give her the necessary — What you might have said was, 'And a man lie with her carnally' declared the All-Merciful and such a one does not come within that category; therefore he informs us [that seclusion with him does bring the woman within the scope of the law]. In this portion other Halachic matters of an extraneous character are (§§ 131, 132). Autoplay Next. R. Nahman can reply, [That which I stated above is a difference between] Tannaim, whereas I agree with the following Tanna.

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