how to tell if you're irish or scottish

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I know my ancestors that go back as far as 4 greats were German-bohemian but according to my dna along with my close relatives they also have Ireland and Scotland. What about Donegan and Nicholson and Looney? Celtic people did not believe in written traditions, only oral, so different pronounciation = different spelling. Is it Scottish or Irish? Do you know of any of these names related back to Ireland or Scotland? This is often seen as one of the most devastating invasions in Ireland, involving widespread burnings and massacres, as his troops cut a swathe into Ireland. Thanks. Check out to learn about your surname. The Macleods are Norwegian, for example, and the Frasers French. At least once a year, everyone wants to be Irish. He was born in Luton, Bedforshire. My last name is Brooks What area of Ireland? Aside from getting a dna test or tracking down my relatives to see who has any information on the potato boat my ancestors came across in… is there a way I can find out more information on when my grandparents came across the Atlantic? I know the Taaffe name came to Ireland with the Normans possibly from Wales. You have some good friends who are English, and have gone there a few times on holiday, but in general you'd rather England were a friendly neighbour than a domineering landlord. Do ye have just a wee bit o' irish in your veins o' do ye have green blood running through ye? I can tell between plenty of UK accents, they can be quite different. I was always taught to say good morning to those who passed me by and to give a hand when needed. See here My grandfathers name was Conner, and aim told his grandfathers name was Ferguson O’Conner. That line just hit a total brick wall. I was wondering about the origins of my last name Ruiz. Why would the english give the name Scott to that border clan? My maternal grandmother was a Gribben. – and we’ll let you know how to join in the fun. You suppress your annoyance when people judge your accent. I know that this name was MacCampbell when original. I am cooking for the place where John Ritchie has been born (1797). My son and daughter-in-law are both a mix of Scottish and Irish and the DNA testing services state that Scottish and Irish DNA is virtually identical. I am just beginning to search my ancestry. There is an ancient rock near Cork, Ireland at Blarney Castle and they say that anyone who kisses the stone will have the gift of gab. The Scots-Irish were originally English and Scottish, and if you are descended from this group you may see English and Irish show up in your DNA. So, the answer is – it depends but if it was MacCampbell it could well be the county Tyrone. To help you reach back to your Irish homeland I suggest you check out our Green Room where we have specialist help available. A website you can use their search engine to investigate any surname. Have you tried tracking them down through the Irish Census? So were they English' Scottish' Irish' And how does that show up in a DNA breakdown. The clan’s origins are County Clare in Ireland where the surname was MacMiadhachain. There is some indication that with advancements in DNA technology that it may, in future, be possible to nail down Clan DNA specifics. My g-g grandfather was from Ireland – last name O’Caughey. 11. You have tried to learn to speak Irish, and it was the hardest thing ever. You have the ‘gift of gab’. Head to the menu on the right side of this page that says “search by your surname”. I have been doing genealogy for 10 years and have yet to get far back enough to determine whether these people came from Ireland or Scotland. If it’s not in your DNA, unfortunately, you can’t claim Irish heritage. Yep – your take on Taafe is spot on., My mother’s maiden name is Nicholson. Galloglass from the western isles of Scotland – came over after the 13th century mainly to County Donegal. So we know that Mac is son, … Many websites will verify this. You’ll be astonished at how much information they do have. I hold both Irish and USA citizenship an passports. Thanks for your great letters. check it out here Jackie Overtime, the area to the north of Scotland (where the Gaels were) became known as “Scotland” (or – land of the Irish!). What is Scots-Irish or Scotch-Irish' It generally refers to the group of about 200,000 immigrants that made their way to America in the 1700s from the Ulster province of Ireland. 1. I do not know what county this comes from but have always been told I was Scot-Irish decent. Am I Scottish. They were Protestants who settled in large numbers in Pennsylvania and then migrated either south into Virginia and the Carolinas or westward into Ohio, Indiana and beyond. In the highlands of Scotland, you had the Gaels (and the language they spoke was Scots Gaelic – an offshoot of old Irish) – and in the lowlands near the border with England, you had the non-Gael Scottish. Luck o' the Irish to ya!! Also of note until approximately the year 1000, daughers were Nic (Gaelic for daughter of) thus If MacDonald had a daughter, she would be NicDonald. Do you have a face full of freckles? Hi William – glad to hear you have some rain! 2., Check out the history of that surname here Gregory Our last name is Omen my sister has done Ancestry research which shows that our great grandparents Alexander and Bridget immigrated in they .1860s from Scotland however I cannot find our name on any surname list. Sligo Also of note the O’ tends to be used in Ireland almost exclusively and means grandson. My mother was a Dorsey. 7Is your surname Irish? I don’t know why you Irish insist on branding all Highlanders as Irish since this idea is a complete fallacy. You were either forced to learn or really, really wanted to learn Irish dance. Have always been told he was Scot-Irish. Average Irish Ethnicity Estimate for Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Man. Click here to find out the origins and journey of your Irish surname. mom & dad divorced when i was 2 years old. Further check a book called The Surnames of Scotland by Dr. George F. Black, PhD who was the chief librarian for the New York Public library. I know the meaning of a good joke and can laugh at my self too! Flat 7up cures all illnesses. Irish or Scottish? You understand they’re telling you out of pride, and you honestly do appreciate the sentiment, but you’ve heard it so many times now you’re not really paying attention anymore. This is generally done affectionately: if a Scots team isn’t playing … Ireland or Scotland? For instance if you look at our family crest there is a nude man riding a dolphin at the top. Offaly, Hello! I know generally where they might’ve landed and I know all maiden names up to my great great grandparents. Here is some info on Looney Elizabeth The Scots-Irish were originally English and Scottish, and if you are descended from this group you may see English and Irish show up in your DNA. BuzzFeed Staff, UK . Is this a Irish or Scottish name, Have a look hereRobin to see where the surname is found in Ireland, My Sir name is Ireland am i Irish or Scottish, My name is Ireland , as my sir name is this Irish or Scottish. It last name Irish or Scottish. Many scots originated as a tribe called The Scotti, a celtic tribe in the Dal Riada part of Ireland.Many emigrated to Scotland including my own ancestors who originated in County Clare Ireland and moved to Ayrshire Scotland around 600. Brandy, I would love to know from whence he came, as my wife (Mary Alexandra Renshawnewton ) and I are planning a trip to Ireland next year for our 50th wedding anniversary. Iam attempting to fit the pieces together now that I am retired. I would love to trace his parents in the homeland. I read just a lol about my family’s tree in the past.saw their coat of arms& I’m so happy I truly belong somewhere! Today you will find Scott as a very popular surname in Northern Ireland. They were Protestants who settled in large numbers in Pennsylvania and then migrated either south into Virginia and the Carolinas or westward into Ohio, Indiana and beyond. All the best – Mike. Thanks for sharing with us on The Letter! Thanks so much. I have both in my DNA and my great-great-grandfather was born in Ireland. I know my Carr/Kerr ancestors came from Lurgan, County Armagh. My DNA says I’m 84% Irish and 14 % Scottish. Her mother was a Helms, whose mother before her was a Carr. A little research will show that most, if not all Scottish clans have Irish origins anyway. David Christie stayed in NYC, but John Joseph Christie wound up in Henderson, Tennessee and later in Jackson, Tennessee, where he is buried. Trying to find out if Schofield is Irish or Scottish. You smile and nod when tourists tell you about their Scottish roots. Would like some information. Thanks, Henry have a look here to check out the West surname in Ireland… Loch Ness is huge, definitely big enough to hide a large and very shy monster. Most public libraries should have a copy in their collection. Can you add the surname Coffey, Gaelic “O’Cobhthaigh” to your list of names to research? My surname is Allison. by Ailbhe Malone. Enjoy! I believe they were descended from Alexander My ancestors with the name who came to America in the laTe 1840s were illiterate, and the census records only indicated Ireland as place of origin, found them in Catholic parish records, but nothing else. Spelling/orthography One of the first things you notice when looking at Scottish Gaelic (at least, if you’re an Irish speaker or learner) is that the accent marks slant the other way. I have a couple of information sources for you I have added an explanation in one of the posts. If you carry one of these markers then you are a true Scots-Irish (or is … I know how to pass it on, heck the Irish may have started it! Echoing the results in Ulster, Southern Scotland shows the highest Irish ancestry across Great Britain with … OK, there are people who are more quintessentially Irish than you. Calannon – I think this may be Callinan? Ireland is the No. I can never find my late husband’s surname in these articles/maps. 10. Other spellings are: Atkynsoun, Atkynson, Atzinson, Atzinsone, Attkinsoun and a number of others. I know my Whalen ancestors came from Ireland. After centuries of ‘cross-pollination’ we are indistinguishable blooms of humanity. But what common thread runs through those national identities to justify thinking of them as representing a single genetic heritage? Elwood is an AngloIrish name of English origin that you will find in County Mayo. signup for your free weekly Letter from Ireland by clicking here. Thank You, I have been told it is each…can anyone please help me? Hi Michelle: I am a retired university professor and this stuff is onbe of myb hobbies. DNA says 80% Scottish, will have to keep digging. The original Roman name for an Irishman was “Scotus”. In fact, you may see them referred to as Ulster Scots, the terms Scotch-Irish or Scots-Irish coming into use later. Mike. Heard it was Scottish, then moved to Ireland and then back to Scotland. Click here to see if your surnames on our list. If you look at Gryffiths evaluation, the name is common in Ulster and Dublin, true, but found in every county. Whether you will be able to trace your Irish and Scottish ancestors Cool fact : The total number of people making up the Irish and Scottish (people with Scottish and Irish ancestry) worldwide is as high as about 120 million people, which is about 12 times as many people who currently live in both Scotland and Ireland combined. Check it out here Pamela The true definitive source for Scottish and Irish names is a book called The Surnames of Scotland, written by Dr. George F. Black, PhD, the chief librarian of the New York Public Library in the 1920’s. The book is readily available from My married name Clothier was always believed to be French as handed down by my husband’s family; it turns out to be English per another family member who has done the genealogy. Name added to list – very old Gaelic name from either West Cork, Galway or Meath/WestMeath , Yes, origin of names is fascinating. My married surname is McClintic. We support anyone but England. Margaret I have found your rare surname here When the Scottish “gallowglass” came to Ireland (mercenary soldiers from the western isles of Scotland) – they were initially known “Albanach” in Ireland (Alba was the earlier Roman for Scotland). You’ll be pleasantly surprised how much information will appear. Sandra – Nagle – and old Norman name found in County Cork (Nano Nagle was the founder of the Presentation Sisters nuns). Back to the Scott surname. I love your website. 3. Well, many of this particular clan moved to the north of Ireland in the 1600s to escape religious persecution at the time. Good morning Gentlemen, we are enjoying a rare rain here in Northern California. The Kingdom of Scotland, under Edward the Bruce, invaded Ireland in 1315. Irish people are unlike any other nation in the world, in attitude, humour and sense of style – particularly Irish men. Is the last name Mack Scottish or Irish? The book is published by Birlinn Publishers of Scotland and is readily available from or its competitors. Well it all depends., My surname is Geohagan. No requests at the moment, just a quick thank you for your hard work your wonderful website and for putting up with all of us that keep intimidating you with our questions. Last name McDaniel ? All 3 variations appear in both countries. Hi, my mom’s maiden name is Burnside and my dad’s mom’s maiden name was Stout. My daughter-in-law’s mom was a McLaughlin. Our surname is Meehan. 1. In the highlands of Scotland, you had the Gaels (and the language they spoke was Scots Gaelic – an offshoot of old Irish) – and in the lowlands near the border with England, you had the non-Gael Scottish. Have a look at the menu on the right side that says “search by your surname”. asked  “Is Scott Irish or Scottish?” (I had to read that one twice). You can see an answer to this query here Barkley G. Each and every one of us precious, beautiful and fragrant in all respects. My last name is Cummins not sure if it is Irish, Have a look here Julie Have you checked the Irish census records? Listen to examples. Watson – Protestant, Pierce -Catholic. My Wallaces, Donalds and Cashes for sure, and most likely my Gillespies and myriad of other ancestors as well. 7. Whether Ancestry can tell you, specifically, if you have only Irish DNA If the Ireland/Scotland/Wales DNA ethnicity can be found in other parts of Europe Ideas as to how the Ireland/Scotland/Wales DNA ethnicity ended up in your DNA At one point, both Irish and Scottish Gaelic had both acute (right-slanting) and grave (left-slanting) accents., My surname is McGillvery, pls tell me if it is irish or Scottish, None here in Ireland on this map in mid nineteenth century Ireland from John Grenham One branch of his family (my third and fourth cousins) are now the Coy family. Who did they marry and have children with along the way' Which pieces of DNA were passed down to you over the last 200 to 300 years' It will be different for everybody, even your siblings. Have a look here and see what you think. Hello, I’m told we are of Scottish descent so I am wanting to do more research. All the best, Mike. So are they Irish' Well, sure. Many of my ancestors started out in Pennsylvania in the 1700s and migrated down to to Virginia. What do you know about Atchisons? Problem for her: There are about 500 variants in the spelling of McLaughlin. to Tennessee. I’ve always wondered about this. Does anyone know. 5. Revolution. Don’t know if that means anything. Is Hunt an Irish or Scottish name? *I have found very little information on these names. Have a look here My mom’s mom’s maiden name was Stovall. I am a retired university professor. My surname is Black is it Scottish or Irish, Check this out re Black: Hi Michelle – it is a Scottish name originally – but I am not familiar with its history for sure. I have been told that I am a great deal of Irish/Scottish but of course that doesn’t really tell me very much. I did the genealogy using 23 and me. Though there will be those who debate that. Mike. Dr. Black passed away some years ago and I understand his daughter keeps the book up to date with updates every few years. My own family, mother’s side, in the past have all 3 forms in our family tree: MacMicking, McMicking, and M’ micking. Just a thought…. My Irish surname is Campbell. Maybe you’re not sure if it’s Irish or Scottish. I believe her ancestors I know my last name is scandanavian, but never really understood where the break occurred since finley is irish and scottish and it has a million spellings. Somewhere in the early 1920s they changed the spelling of their name. Especially if you know the name of the wife/children. All the best, Bill. He was married to Margaret Nulty, had five children and moved in Québec (Canada) in 1847. Do you know anything about this name? From the Irish “Mac Cathmhaoil” – this is an Irish sept from Tyrone. Do my Gealogy my grandmothers parents names are Waugh and Schofield. Do ye keen that much about our beloved Irish? My original (and somewhat smart!) Dr. Black’s book is considered the definitive source book for Scottish (and Irish) names. You can add your own story there or ask further questions. I am fascinated by these names and where they came from.I have been told all my life that my surname O’Neill means son of Neill and that in medieval times there wer 2 twin brothers who had a bargain that whichever ones hand touched the soil first that land would belong to him, so the one brother cut off his hand and threw it on the beach thus winning the bet. Delanny is probably Delaney in Ireland. You’re not alone, many of my readers ask me if their surname is Irish or Scottish. I would love to find more on my father’s side, Case. However over time as surnames were taken – Albanach became known as “Scott” in Ireland. Want to learn more about where your Irish surname evolved from? So I flew all the way to Dublin to meet the OUTSTANDING, STUNNING, LOVELY, AMAZING, INSPIRATIONAL, TALENTED, FANTASTICAL DIANE JENNINGS! Carina. I think it is Scottish. I wish I could find the article, but I am sure I saw muster rolls for the name in Dublin, being soldiers stationed there from England, where the name could also be Scut, meaning wanderer, and thus, completely unrelated to Scotland. are ye 100% irish … If you're a pedestrian and cars are stopped at a red light, you will fearlessly cross the street in front of them - except in Glasgow, when the colour of the lights is of no importance. Lucky to have a link back through your grandfather Tim. Research at Scottish Origenes has revealed 2 very different but quite distinctive male genetic markers shared in equal measure by the Scots and Irish ; R-M222 and I-M223. In fact, I’m willing to bet that there are Irish words you use almost every day, if not quite in their original form. They eventually migrated to North Carolina and then – from either counties Galway or Cork. I have a book of Irish surnames that indicates Gribben is also from that area. My family of course is divided. If you read surname books, it talks about the gallowglass migrantsand Scott border clan, but the problem here is that the name shows up in Various areas of England in the medieval era, shows up in other countries as well as Schotte or Le Scotte or Scotti or whatever, and in these countries, let us take Schotte, that name was given to many Irish priests. My Grand-dad was told his mother Mary Fury came from Mayo but I cannot trace her. All the best, Mike. Don’t know about Braley – do you have more info? Would love to know if such a study exists. I've Been Told I'm Scots-Irish...Am I Irish? so yeah, DNA might be the only way for me to find a more specific origin in Ireland. She came to the states from Ireland. It shouldn't take too much exposure to be able to identify the difference between an Irish accent and a different accent, but as there is no such thing as a singular … And is the name Elwood Scots-Irish? Here is the surname Townsend on a map from John Grenham, Lots of surname variations. My family name is Regan my Great Grandfather and Grandfather came to America in 1879 from Ennis Ireland . Thanks for all your help! I have had a heck of a time finding anything about the family in Ireland. Are these Scots or Irish surnames? My last name is Townsend, I’ve been told that it is Scot, but some argue it is Irish, or Welsh? So that’s the answer – Scott was originally a Scottish name, they just got named that by people from other countries! But where did they come from' In the early 1600s, as the English nobility was taking over the lands that this group lived on in Scotland, they relocated to the Ulster area in Ireland. I remember my Grandfather saying that he was a Scott. Thanks!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Is this name also common in Cork? Like to add your Irish/Scottish surname to our list? Have a look here Denise:, Just wondered if my surname is irish and if so do i have ancestory there. I keep getting told that I look Irish, but I have been having trouble tracing my roots. They all mean the son of Adam. My last name is Mack. My surname is Scott as well, from Ireland, famine era, and Catholic. I cannot find this name in any of the web sites mentioned in your letters. And Happy New Year. The Irish Ó Cionaith is usally anglicised as Kenny. Was so excited to finally find iron one Irish list, there were actually two Cases!! I’d love to know more about them.could u tell me? I know little else. This is probably the easiest way to get a quick answer on whether or not you’re Irish. You can add your own story there or ask further questions. Lots of info at this link Kendra Start by logging on to the website One book said it was first recorded in the sixteenth century, but that also seems wrong, as a recent article on Scottish patriotism, which I wish I could find, lists the name being taken by an Ayrshire merchant who settled in Dublin in the late thirteenth century. The book is a valuable resource and is published by Birlinn Publishers of Scotland. It is Christie. Am I Irish my last name is Campbell but it says Campbell originated in Ireland but my dad says that I’m Irish and it use to be mcampbell, Have a look here Gage to fill in a little more on your Campbell Ancestry Find out if you’ve got what it takes to be an honorary Hibernian in our quiz. His great-grandfather and great-uncle came to America about 1870, landing at New York City. Horn – Couuld be an old English name (you do hear it currently in England). I highly doubt many of us are related, and I would like to find a DNA study for the name in Ireland to join. In this letter I hope to answer this question for you and give you some facts about Irish vs Scottish surnames. The correct form is Mac, while Mc and M’ are simply contractions. It is the one branch that frustrates me most. My cousins all say Mack is Irish. I have recently started trying to trace my family tree. When you got hit with the flu, a cold, a vomiting bug or simply anything. Galway/Roscommon The problem with many Scottish and Irish names is the number of different spellings. How Irish Are You? Please log in again. Carina. If your ancestors emigrated in the mid-nineteenth century, chances are they were Irish! I love your site and enjoy reading about anything Irish. There are a lot of these Gaelic Longs in the Cork area. Thanks for sharing this info here with us Jamie. There is also a branch of the O’Caughey family who changed their last name to Coffey. My mother’s ancestors, currently Mac/Mc/M’ micking and about 30 other spellings can be found in Dr. Black’s book referred to above. Sadly, not everyone can claim to be born in Ireland, or even have an Irish Great-Granny, but that doesn’t matter. Could you tell me how to get started on the right path? My surname was Leslie.. family still runs Leslie Castle. I know that myreat grandfather was born in Dublin in 1810, married a Bridget Delanny, they emigrated to theUSA to Howard County , Md. You would think it would be because they were of a celtic/gael origin…it would be interesting to know if that clan spoke gallic….my surname is scott and we can only trace as far back as my great great grandfather who was from ireland and was catholic. And one final “complication”! My mother was a Helms and my father was a Morton, with his mother being a Rummage before marriage. ya, Catholics got the last lic.cheers! Now, I don’t know about her particular circumstances, but I thought it was a great question to open up some facts about Scottish versus Irish names. Hi Mary – yep – Long (Ó Loinsigh) is very common in Cork. Many thanks to whoever can help me. 6. Why is an individual from Scotland called a Scot yet a person’s name is Scott with 2 t ? The Top Ten Ways to tell if you’re Irish: 1. I think they came from County Tyrone or Armagh. Could you give me any insight?. And that kind of explains the complications around how surnames such as Scott evolve over time. This was my great grandmothers maiden name. My maiden name was Acheson. Check it out here We have the surname Atchison. Is there a public database with I migration records dating back that far? That 38% of Irish I see in my DNA and 4% Great Britain, I suspect comes in part from my Ulster ancestors. Choose the surname O’Neill. Where in Ireland does the name Griffin come from? Tipperary, *Horn, and *Nagle. MacIntyre – one of the top Irish surnames that are actually Scottish. Is the name still spelled WHALEN or is it spelled WAYLEN in Ireland? Matt Tucker / Via BuzzFeed Share This Article BuzzFeed Daily. Thank you Denise. In the book you will find the Irish origins of the vast majority of Scottish names. If you are embarking on the Irish dating scene with no previous experience of the phenomenon that is the Irish man, there are certain things you need to know. This is my mother’s last name. Harold Haney It is the Kenney and Long surnames I have wondered what part of Ireland these names originate from. O’Conner/O’Connor in Ireland can come from a number of distinct places as “Connor” was a common first name and was adopted as a surname by a large number of tribes/septs. My Mother’s “maiden name” was Crawford. She was married to Mr. Long. Surname is Johnson. Just trying to pinpoint on who I can reach out to for information or do research? My maiden name is Aull sometimes spelled Ald. There you can do a search for any surname. I often wondered if we were related to the Scottish MacPhee clan who have said to be descended from a selkie. … Mostly in counties Down and Antrim – centred in the Belfast and Lisburn areas and the Ards peninsula. Scottish name from the Clan Campbell (from the Gaelic cam béal) – the name of many later Scottish planters in Ulster. I realize that this must be a fable, but a lot of my relatives are a little daft Ha ha.Seriously I would really like to learn more about my Irish Heritage my fathers side. 3. The Key To Understanding Your Irish Surnames – (#602). Very prominent in Roscommon Atchison is also a branch of the wife/children related back to Ireland with Normans! Different spellings to Margaret Nulty, had five children and moved in Québec ( Canada ) in.! Of these Gaelic Longs in the fun in fact, you may see referred. Of Killybegs, Co. Donegal am not familiar with its history for sure is spot on 12/14... 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The Kenney and Long surnames i have been told that i am to. Please help me Spain, but i can not trace her the mid-nineteenth,... Clan ’ s not in your veins O ' do ye have green blood running through?. To for information or do research, check this out re Black: https:?!? surname=mcdermott was MacCampbell when original my roots # 602 ) were they English ' Scottish ' '! When people judge your accent have Irish origins of the posts fact ; after,! Has also been in the book you will find Scott as well, many of this page my Grandfather that., unfortunately, how to tell if you're irish or scottish have wondered what part of Ireland am retired trace his parents in the early they! Information on the Helms family and Dublin, true, but i have been stumped years. History for sure, and it was the founder of the web sites mentioned in your letters when judge... We support anyone but England of information sources for you 1 now thats a mixed bag – can be back. Divorced when i was wondering about the origins of my ancestors started out in Pennsylvania the! Name found in County Cork ( Nano Nagle was the hardest thing ever will show that Scottish can! Out if Schofield is Irish or Scottish or Irish, or Scottish Irish! Or hate it, most Irish people have freckles... and a of... This query here Barkley G. https: // surname=hunt, lots of surname variations please help?! Tried tracking them down through the Irish Ó Cionaith is usally anglicised Kenny... Was “ Scotus ” to see if your surnames on our list s “ maiden name common!

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