mask mandate definition

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Follow the science. Michigan law imposes on the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) a duty to continually and diligently endeavor to “prevent disease, prolong life, and promote the public health,” and gives the Department “general supervision of the interests of the health and life of the people of this state.” And as much as I want to meet up with colleagues and customers, it has now become apparent that some travel in years past could probably not be identified as “high priority”. If you fly and aren’t vaccinated, you either haven’t tried or are going to be. @James N My thought is after the coming flu season as doctors I speak to locally are concerned that the coming flu season will be particularly harsh without masks as which flu virus to defend against isn’t as easy to figure out as a result of this current VERY mild flu season. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. September? Apparently he/she read a few sentences of a report and thought he had an “ah-hah!” moment. 2. Sheepdog is like so many that pontificate without really thinking. 3. The vaccines protect you from severity, not from transmission.”, False false false. I remember hearing CoVid would disappear after Nov 3rd,then after Jan 20th now…..before the mid-terms? Masks are a common sense, easy way to continue to protect people. But government regulations tend to outlast their usefulness. For service providers. Still can’t understand how a plane full of masked people is okay but churches and cathedrals with vaulted ceilings and lots of space are either closed or limited to 25% capacity. Once I’m off the plane I just chin it. I read some of your stuff and like it. That’s right… doesn’t. –. Latest news and data. Yes, taxing those none vaccinated and a fine for those not using a mask. I have visited 9 other states over the past year, all like minded with either no mandate or no enforcement if there was a mandate. Even if one decides they they made their choice and need to live with the consequences, remember that the virus won’t stop with them. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! That report is out there. I’ll cut to the chase for anybody who doesn’t want to read the rest….everything he said was BS. The only effective masks are the biohazard level ones and the military style ones because they are fitted to the individual wearer, they seal, and have changeable filters, filters that must be changed EVERY TIME it is exposed to a biohazard threat. Non vaccinated passengers present a much bigger risk to others when they are not wearing masks… and based in the correlation between no-maskers and anti vaccine people, I don’t think it is crazy to assume that the passengers that would be without a mask would be also non-vaccinated and potentially carrying the virus. The safer people feel being crammed elbow to elbow with strangers, the more people will fly. There’s a big blue marble of a world out there and believe it or not, the rest of the marble seems to be struggling with this virus too. What a disappointingly reckless and uninformed take, Gary Leff. If they don’t enact their own restrictions, many travelers, and many of their own employees, will be furious. 2. If we could remember, just for a minute, that as of yesterday(May 4th) an average of 720 people per day die from this and that’s WITH a mandate in place. And most evidence suggests they’re less likely to spread the virus as well. Next Spring? Ryan, your comment, “..because human stupidity is FAR more dangerous than any virus, bacteria, sickness, gun, bomb, or in this world or any other,” sums this whole situation PERFECTLY!!!! The Biden administration has extended the federal transportation mask mandate through September 13. Like it is said, my mask protects you and your mask protects me. Learn a new word every day. Whether I am vaccinated or not is no concern to you. Many want the vaccine but cannot yet get an appointment. Here's a link to our Advertiser Disclosure. Masks protect those that the would-be wearer is breathing/coughing/spitting on. We’ll certainly see the mandate lifted before the 2022 midterm elections. There has to be a common sense middle ground to recovering from the unprecedented combination of a virus fueled by conspiracy, politics and misinformation. Readily available on the CDC site is info about test results on masks. You realize vaccines aren’t 100 percent effective, right? I agree that once every person and child can be vaccinated it will be OK to remove the mask mandate… it’s called natural selection: idiots will die first. Business and industry. The bureaucrats and politicians are having a ball and they certainly don’t want to go back to work, so this power play will continue until travellers revolt. I don’t wear a mask in my full office, when I visit restaurants, go to grocery stores. Stick with me now and you can maybe crawl out of that group. Ordinarily there are 100-150 unruly passenger complaints in a…..year. Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Sadly, you followed politics here. After September 13th, I have a feeling it will be extended until further notice. It’s fascinating watching the sheep sleep walk through life. A daily challenge for crossword fanatics. Please stop spreading the myth that masks protect the wearer. The numbers scattered in the above paragraph are citation references. Keeping the mandate in place is an incredibly minor inconvenience for some and potentially life-saving for others. The vaccines protect you from severity, not from transmission. How exactly does a mask consisting of a few sheets of tissue paper stacked together and does not even come close to making a proper seal around the face therefor not filtering any of a person’s breath help with keeping them from breathing or spreading microscopic virus particles that are carried in the air flow? The face diaper mandates were never needed and certainly aren’t needed now. “The mask mandate though should sunset, based on science of the virus … ” Hah! April 21, 2021 ... by definition, ... one would think the governor and her health department would provide a thorough explanation for why this new mandate is necessary now. What does protect someone from another in close proximity with an infected individual is a full face positive air flow respirator. Had we done nothing we would have had a much larger cold and flu season and Covid would be out of control by now. It’s unfortunate you wrote such a poorly thought out article, Gary. Masks on all modes of public transportation will be required until enough people are protected through vaccination or infection. More About Gary ». Six feet of air will save you! You realize the khristian reicht is in large part refusing to take the vaccine and leave our country to continue to be exposed to a virus that’s highly contagious, deadly and destructive, right? The mask mandate expired on 4/28/21, though masks are still required on public transit and a few other settings. No matter what science shows and what common sense tells you (barriers, barriers, corona is not the only airborne disease), there will be a group of (censored to idiots) who think they know more than everybody else, and will expose not only then, but others to diseases because they do not want to use a piece of cloth on their faces. 2021. These comments are full of incredibly weak and sad people. Non-vaccinated (selfish a**holes) must be the ones required to wear a mask. Compensation does not impact the placement of cards in content. The owner of this site is not an investment advisor, financial planner, nor legal or tax professional and articles here are of an opinion and general nature and should not be relied upon for individual circumstances. Lastly, I was sorry to hear you say the mask mandate …..”We’ll certainly see the mandate lifted before the 2022 midterm elections”. (Mask requirements for two year olds was always silly, Delta’s policy to exempt young children made far more sense before it was outlawed.). Many schools will be requiring the vaccines in the fall. Once the CDC convinced Americans that they’re sick with no symptoms, the sky’s the limit for more bogus control of the population. Even the CDC has said that wearing a mask does NOT REDUCE your chances of catching Covid19 and not wearing a mask does NOT INCREASE your chances of catching it. As a proud American(and member of the human race) I still believe in Americans/people supporting each other, NOT every man for himself. That presents a risk, even an outside risk of vaccine escape. I’m so tired of people saying they are wearing a mask to protect themselves. Ryan Waldron can you read?? Two of these studies42,44 and an additional analysis of data from 200 countries that included the U.S.45 also demonstrated reductions in mortality. And I’ve argued that people should have been wearing better quality masks throughout the pandemic, and learning to wear them properly (there are simple YouTube videos!). I just read the interesting piece in regards to the 1,300 unruly passenger complaints that have been reported……since February 2021. To me, keeping the mandate in place makes sense both from a public health perspective and from an industry perspective. Great piece, Gary. Gretchen Whitmer expands mask mandate to 2-year-olds Doubles down on restrictive coronavirus strategy. to Sheepdog77. Comments made in response to posts are not provided or commissioned nor have they been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any bank. So no desire at the moment to share cabin space with some of the total wingnuts on airplanes these days. Masks don’t protect the wearer as much as they slow down an infected person from spreading the virus. It is not the responsibility of any advertiser to ensure that questions are answered. ALL of it directly refutes what you say. We should have put more effort into the distribution and use of quality masks in the beginning. Maintaining the mandate at this point is just purely political. People should have been wearing higher quality masks and learning to wear them properly. How to use subcommittee in a sentence. I was on an American flight yesterday where the passenger across this isle from me in first refused to wear his mask the whole flight from TUL – CLT. That’s right….again it does not! Subcommittee definition is - a subdivision of a committee usually organized for a specific purpose. Sign up to receive the latest news and updates from View From The Wing. Fauci just likes the power of telling people what to do; its his 10 minutes of fame. This site is for entertainment purpose only. Gary’s logic is mostly intact with one major error. Wearing a mask is just about the lowest effort public health intervention there is. There have been several (although not as many as you would think) RCTs* in the past, oh, ten years on the effectiveness of masks. If I said shoes were an inconvenience, would it be best to not require shoes? But its not. How to use face mask in a sentence. He writes, Those who haven’t been vaccinated are making that choice and shouldn’t be imposing a cost on others, 1. Data Does Not Support Whitmer’s Mask Mandate for Toddlers Young children account for very few cases. “Face mask.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, You are almost close to the number of lies that stupid ignoramus lying a-hole ex-president has been expousing. Get over yourself!!!!!!!!!!!! the far left tin foil hat brigade or the MAGA hats that just want to cling to any conspiracy theory they can find to give themselves what they think is more control in their sad lives. Banner advertising, in contrast, is paid for by advertisers (we do not directly control the banner advertising on this blog). “During flu season I’ll almost certainly wear a mask myself…because I really hate the inconvenience of getting sick.” It’s unclear whether that will happen in September, though it will happen for certain when the President declares victory over Covid-19 because the CDC rules that TSA mandates are based on are set up that way – and because it will be a symbolic win for the President to do so. You didn’t reference it so I’m guessing….Facebook? This covers air travel as well as trains, rideshares, and buses. Biden walking thru Arlington cemetery with a mask and not within many feet of anyone else. Individuals are strongly encouraged to wear masks NOTE: In Louisiana, some localities have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Except that those who aren’t getting vaccinated are still spreading it and variants are popping up all over the world. My take is once everyone who wants a vaccine has had a chance to get a shot has had one, we open up everything and just leave masking as an option for whoever feels so inclined. Or, you can wise up and start using your brain….after all that is why it is between your ears in the first place! I hate mask wearing, but I gave up hope. So….my suggestion is this. People I associated with were mostly not masked either. function FeedBlitz_38c1dd64e97a11e2a18900259077114bi(){var x=document.getElementsByName('FeedBlitz_38c1dd64e97a11e2a18900259077114b');for(i=0;i

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