weird psychology studies

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We said at the beginning that we could give you 1000 reasons to study Psychology, but there is one that transcends all others – it is a fascinating science and it can open us a whole new stage in our life. These behaviors are based on the environment one grew up in and raised in, yet sixty-seven percent of American psychology studies use college student as subjects. The situation is not that bleak, however, and some changes are being made. Psychology helps us to know the emotion, feeling, behavior, perception, personality, of other people in a better way. So the fact that the vast majority of studies use WEIRD participants presents a challenge to the understanding of human psychology and behaviour. Impersonal psychology includes inclinations to trust strangers or cooperating with anonymous others. ), and the Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education ( Empathy Causes Facial Similarity Between Couples to Increase Over Time, the neuroscientist studying his own stroke -», whether we are programmed to laugh when tickled -». Experiment Details: The Little Albert experiment is considered to be among the most unethical psychological experiments of all time. IGDORE 68% of the samples studied We've demonstrated before that, even according to science, being a teenager sucks. 1. It is difficult to believe that something akin to a malformed sponge, at first glance, contains over 100 million neurons and 100 trillion synaptic connections. In the end, this is an issue of validity, and should be treated as such: After all, what is the point of a science that does not study the majority of the population? You can find David DiSalvo on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and at his website, Behavioral scientists routinely publish broad claims about human psychology and behavior in the world's top journals based on samples drawn entirely from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies. The updated study on the halo effect shows that cognitive bias isn’t exclusive to a military environment. There’s research into psychic dogs, invasions from Mars, the antidepressant properties of semen, pigeon-guided missiles and men’s urination. 10 Weird Psychology Studies. Have a read and then vote below for the study to be crowned PsyBlog’s official ‘weirdest’ study. What makes weird psychology weird? Much has been written about psychology's reliance on WEIRD samples. Researchers - often implicitly - assume that either there is little var … Additionally, journals such as Here’s a weird study that sometimes gets a mention in ethical discussions about psychology, and it’s not hard to see why. themselves are mostly from WEIRD countries. What do we really know about human psychology? It is likely that these researchers then solicit participants from their own institutions, perhaps even their own departments. It is unclear why this is so important, thus making Richard Wiseman compared th... 5 Most Romantic City in the World. (2000) had people urinating in a PET scanner. During WWII, in the days before cheap computing, guiding a bomb to its target was a more miss than hit affair. Who they are. Her research focuses on social, moral, and political psychology. Source: G. Mützel - Nordisk familjebok (1904), vol.2. By Kai Kupferschmidt Jul. » Read on about facial similarity between couples -». (I know it’s cheating a bit to include 5 studies here, but…what the hell!). Empathy Causes Facial Similarity Between Couples to Increase Over Time Would you believe that people who live with... 3. comparing European and Moken children (from the islands of Asia's Andaman Sea) found that the former, when underwater, widen their pupils, while the latter constrict them to improve vision. Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC. Get together with a group of students and make a list of interesting ideas, subjects, or questions you have. So let’s Explore 47 interesting facts about human psychology. I got to wondering what could explain these variations we were seeing and we coined the acronym WEIRD, as a kind of consciousness-raising device to remind people that … Earlier, the assumption was that human beings share fundamental cognitions, behaviors, biologies, and emotions, so why study others? It seems, if pushed, most academic research psychologists choose dog as well. Top 10 Bizarre Mental Case Studies. A famous 1961 study by Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram tested (rather alarmingly) how far people would go to obey authority figures when asked to harm others, and the intense internal conflict between personal morals and the obligation to obey authority figures. ,” and hence may not be studied at all. Sadly, it is not really Kitty Genovese the person who has become one of psychology’s classic case studies, but rather the terrible fate that befell her. For example, communities and organizations such as the Psychological Science Accelerator, the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science ( It’s weird, but there’s evidence for it from a singular study carried out by the noted psychologist Robert Zajonc and colleagues. The American Psychology Association defines Psychology as the scientific study of the mind and behavior. running People from 35 cities were included in the research. You don’t have to be a psychologist or even a psychology major to learn about basic psychology. much Walking Faster From 1994, today, we run 10% faster. Brandon Gautier. Studies have shown that runners who use running shoes land differently than those who run barefoot. Study Classic Psychology Experiments . Psychology news. How Narcissists Withhold Love to Control Their Partners. » Read on about pigeon-guided missiles -». How can psychology call itself the science of human behaviour if it studies only a select few? Claims about human psychology and behaviour in top international journals are largely based on the WEIRDest people in the world. It analyzes how our mind works. For Professor Howard Cantril of Princeton University and colleagues, this provided the perfect opportunity to investigate the anatomy of panic. Through the years if the said practice, it has been subject to many misconceptions regarding its real nature as well as of its practitioners. It is difficult to believe that something akin to a malformed sponge, at first glance, contains over 100 million neurons and 100 trillion synaptic connections. Here is a list of 25 Interesting Studies Performed by Researchers and their results. We're Not the Same, In Memory of Geert Hofstede: A Cross-Cultural Icon, Experiments and Non-WEIRD Preferences Across Cultures. She tweets @WallflowerBlack. » Read on about these staring experiments -», Cat or dog? 60 Interesting Psychological Facts That Explain Why We Are The Way We Are. Many Labs . For 10 days Hobson could neither sleep nor dream. To put it simply, psychology is the study of people. How and why they behave the way they do. Weird People 5-Mar-09 Word counts Short Abstract: 100 Long Abstract: 248 Main text: 16,982 Reference: 6293 Entire Text: 23, 703 The Weirdest People in the World How representative are experimentalfindings from American university students? It shows in their lack of facial expression which is a major indicator of loss of empathy. Faster Walking Today we’re walking 10% faster than 1994. How about fields like evolutionary and cross-cultural psychology, which explicitly depend on heterogeneity in the sample studied? Certain pockets of the world over-rely on running shoes, which are often cushioned; others run barefoot. In 2010, psychologists and behavioral scientists had a revolutionary It’s unclear why this is so important, but Richard Wiseman has compared results from study about the speed of walking from 1994. SIPS Moken children, who live a semi-nomadic life based on the sea, however, need to visually focus to perform underwater tasks, such as foraging food. Psychology is not racially or culturally representative, but should be. | The sleep and dream researcher Alan Hobson had a stroke in his brain stem in 2001 and decided to document the details about what he was feeling in the process. was from WEIRD countries, and 89% from developed countries; ancillarily, 44% was a student sample. Although the subject of researching is not weird at all, nevertheless this man studied his own brain stroke and deserves place on a list of weird psychological researches. And... 2. To start, you could try conducting your own version of a famous experiment or even updating a classic experiment to assess a slightly different question. not changed (M), The Real Difference Between Male And Female Brains (M). Behavioral researchers Top 10 Bizarre Mental Case Studies. No spam, ever. have addressed the problem of homogenous samples, but without specifying any action plans. Psychology cannot call itself the science of human behavior until it studies the diversity of human experience. If Psychological Science were to announce that by 2022, half of its papers would include studies sampling at least one non-WEIRD population, it would influence editors, reviewers, and scientists to change their practices to help meet or take advantage of this goal. » Read on about whether semen has antidepressant properties -». It is interesting not only because bullying has taken such a prominent position in current events in recent months but also because of the methods these researchers used in their studies and the interesting conclusions they were able to draw from their research. , the official journal of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Further, the Journal editors and reviewers might say that it is not of general interest, meaning that just because they do not see it happening in 12% of the human population, it is not “normal.” Thus, a comparatively homogenous group of researchers then study a comparatively Brandon Gautier. Another interesting study performed on ‘Internal States And Behavioural Decision Making: Toward An Integration Of Emotions And Cognition’ by Ann Kennedy et al in 2015. Over the last century, behavioral researchers have revealed the biases … This begs the question: If even low-level functioning like visual processing, or the evolution of the human foot, is so different because of cultural differences, how can we claim that psychology, or behavioural science in general based on studying a handful of people, is applicable to everyone around the world? The researchers, led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo, set up a mock prison in the basement … Also, psychology studies comparing humans to apes. Psychological Science 1-5 Interesting Studies 1. You might think, OK, these journals are general and cover topics that are thought to be universal. , belying the multiplicity of human psychology. Evolution and Human Behavior Thank you. homogenous group of behaviours Everything we do as a conscious human being is related to psychology. Psychology studies can be really skewed by the WEIRD population (western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic). Episode 85: On 'The Wicker Man' Earlier, the assumption was that human beings share fundamental cognitions, behaviors, biologies, and emotions, so why study others? Two months after the study, 79% of the participants reported increased well-being or satisfaction. The term is intended to denote awareness that doing all your studies on this tiny group (approximately 10-15% of human population) may not in fact give … Here are 10 classic psychological studies that may change the way you understand yourself. and Evolution & Human Behavior), This kind of saturation might have its roots in something even more troublesome. How and why they behave the way they do. Why Psych Studies May Set Years of Research Back. What is psychology? I say that because there are quite a few studies about how we interact with dogs but hardly any (none?) – Source 2. 1. A 2011 study revealed that… You can find David DiSalvo on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and … For example, one might assume that how our pupils dilate might not be too different across the world. – SpiritualButter. Post written by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) ... Found the above information very informative and interesting – I am currently at university studying Applied Psychology and I know this information will be a great help with my studies. For instance, what might be trite practices in most other cultures, such as initiation into adulthood, are often considered “ Arguably the most famous experiment in the history of psychology, the 1971 Stanford prison study put a microscope on how social situations can affect human behavior. Who they are. Learning about some of the most eye-opening and interesting psychology facts can shock you in many ways. Study Conducted in 1920 at Johns Hopkins University . . MIKE MCRAE. Your body language says a lot. In 1964 in New York, Genovese was returning home from her job as a bar maid when she was attacked and eventually murdered by Winston Mosely. – JMBSomnium. According to the study, 68 percent of research subjects in a sample of hundreds of studies in leading psychology journals came from the United States, and 96 … If I have to choose, I choose dog. Reviewed by Gary Drevitch. We recognize that this may be the most controversial of our recommendations. Middlemist, Knowles and Matter (1976) designed an experiment to test how the speed and flow of men’s urination in a public lavatory was affected by invasions of personal space. realization used was WEIRD. LEIPZIG, GERMANY—Nine years ago, a research team argued that psychology studies … study Let’s consider another example: Weird Studies A filmmaker and a professor talk art and philosophy at the limits of the thinkable RSS; Apple Podcasts; Google Play; Castro; Overcast; Pocket Casts; Stitcher; We found 9 episodes of Weird Studies with the tag “psychology”. Description. about cats. In a forthcoming issue of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, anthropologist Joe Henrich, PhD, and psychologists Steven Heine, PhD, and Ara Norenzayan, PhD, review the available database of comparative social and behavioral science studies. Are You a Narcissist or Narcissistically Defended? The cameras showed that just as the dog’s owner turned to go home, Jaytee got up and went to the porch and remained there until she returned. Thanks to the way research is conducted, our perception of human psychology is based largely on subjects who are largely w estern, e ducated, i … Cognitive bias can get in the way of making the correct decision, whether it’s during a job interview or deciding whether to buy a product that’s been endorsed by a celebrity we admire. study The study, which reviews the comparative database of research from across the behavioural sciences, finds that subjects from WEIRD societies … So, here’s my five favourite studies on the psychology of human-dog interaction. 1. You may also like: The Top Ten Brain Science And Psychology Studies Of 2015. On October 28, 1938 many Americans believed they were being invaded by Martians. Weird Psychology Studies. I don’t just mean that people tend to choose partners who resemble them, rather that over time together couple’s features actually converge. Here are a couple of studies you can replicate yourself – if you’ve got the nerve. whether semen has antidepressant properties -», Using Your Phone Is One Of Many Contagious Behaviours (M), Caffeine During Pregnancy: Its Effect On Child’s IQ, Brain And Behaviour (M), The Simple Signs Of A Highly Sensitive Person (M), Children Have This Wonderful Effect On Adult’s Behaviour (M), The Psychological Disadvantage Of Living In The Past (M), Experimental Drug Reverses Alzheimer’s Disease In Mice (M), Children Breastfed For This Long Have A Higher IQ (M), A Food Supplement That Reduces Anxiety (M), The Bystander Effect: Will Someone Help If You Are Attacked In Public?

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