social classes in italy 19th century

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He set down a “code of laws” where the most important bond was kinship; every freeman depended on his kin for protection (United Kingdom 1). Chapter – One Like its name suggests the Industrial Revolution had to do with the evolving Industry. Richardson described Clarissa a new kind of Christian tragedy (1985: 1495–1499) and novels drew freely from the conventions of the pastoral and classical satire. The success of the novel, on the other hand, owed less to its promotion of “middle-class” values, which had not yet taken a distinctive form, than to its inherent flexibility and ability to mediate a complex and changing social order. From the mid-15th-century demographic low point after the 1347–48 plague, Italy, along with the rest of western Europe, recovered dramatically. Windsor-Forest updates another genre inherited from classical tradition, the pastoral. Jeremy Collier launched a scathing critique of the representation of the nobility in contemporary plays in A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage (1698). (1939–1943).

3d ed. The moldering gothic castle where the Delviles reside symbolizes an old elite in need of repair, not destruction, by the self-conscious, wealthy, and moral “middle class” that rose to political authority in the nineteenth century.

The women were assigned the private ‘sphere’ and the men were assigned the public sphere of business and commerce (Victorian England: An Introduction 4). A downturn in the world economy after 1907 caused heavy unemployment in Italy and brought new waves of labor and political militancy. The Delviles’ opposition to their marriage seems arbitrary and outdated because what really counts in the ruling class is not title but rather virtue, intelligence, taste, manners, and concern for the poor. The upper class in the Victorian Age were the royalty, lords spiritual and temporal and great officers of state many of whom did not work and received most of their wealth from there inheritance (Victorian England: An Introduction 4 and Jane Austen’s world 1).

Among the differences in these classes were the attitudes that each one exhibited. Swift’s satires of London, such as “A Description of the Morning” (1709), “A Description of a City Shower” (1710), and “The Progress of Beauty” (1719), deploy pastoral imagery and epithets like “swain” and “nymph” to contrast the vulgarity and degradation of urban life with the innocence and refinement of the classical eclogue. 7 and 8 of The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson. Oxford: Blackwell.Find this resource: Erskine-Hill, H. (1996).

Following the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, British society remained under the firm authority of the monarchy, aristocracy, and the landed gentry. The Origins of English Society, 1780–1880. For example, Cecilia (1782) presented a scathing critique of immorality, greed, stupidity, and bad manners pervasive in fashionable London society. Harmonizing these opposite forces was not, however, easily accommodated within existing literary genres.

Italy’s most distinctive feature was its highly urbanized life.

Lord Townly is not, however, the real hero of the play but rather it is the untitled Manly, a virtuous, censorious, and rich landed gentleman who finally marries into the Lord’s family. The student is advised to consult more advanced texts to gain further understanding of how to appreciate art more fully. But the government also looked to colonial ventures to appease domestic unrest.

As described by Dryden in A Discourse concerning the Original and Progress of Satire (1693), satire in the ancient tradition denoted an “Olla, or Hotch-potch,” a mélange he understood in terms of its mixture of forms appropriate to various social ranks (1956–2002, 4:80). ), Comparative Excellence: New Essays on Shakespeare and Johnson. This fashion was first inspired by The Thresher’s Labour (1730) by Stephen Duck, a real farm worker whose poem dramatized the hardship and humiliation endured by the rural wage-laborer in language drawn from the eclogue’s leisured Arcadia. BY: Dr. GG Saxena For this combination, Congreve was praised by Dryden as his natural successor, a sign of how far this now-prestigious writer had moved from his previously class-based demotion of comedy beneath tragedy.

The alleged bombast of his heroic plays, along with his supposed pretentiousness, was satirized in The Rehearsal (1671) by a group of writers attached to the extravagantly decadent Duke of Buckingham. © Oxford University Press, 2018. Biographies of Milton by John Toland and Jonathan Richardson passed over his City birth quickly in favor of his landed heritage and grand tour of Italy. Similarities between Lombard and Byzantine states, Carolingian and post-Carolingian Italy, 774–962, Socioeconomic developments in the countryside, The reform movement and the Salian emperors, The southern kingdoms and the Papal States, The southern monarchies and the Papal States, Early modern Italy (16th to 18th centuries), From the 1490s through the 17th-century crisis, Reform and Enlightenment in the 18th century, Political thought and early attempts at reform, The rebellions of 1831 and their aftermath, Politics and the political system, 1870–87, Economic and political crisis: the “two red years”, The republic of Salò (the Italian Social Republic) and the German occupation, Economic stagnation and labour militancy in the 1960s and ’70s, Student protest and social movements, 1960s–1980s, The migrant crisis and the growth of populist movements.

The London Merchant, edited by W. H. McBurney.

What occurred in Britain was, notwithstanding, a “revolution” of a more gradual kind.

1st Jan 1970 The Provoked Wife comes close to justifying Lady Brute’s willingness to cuckold her husband Sir John Brute, the very epitome of elite drunkenness, moral degeneracy, and lawless tyranny. The Progress of the Romance. The World We Have Lost.


Contempt for heroic tragedy fueled the success of Henry Fielding’s Tom Thumb (1730), soon after expanded into The Tragedy of Tragedies (1731). Sociology Modern scholars have recently made much of the upsurge of georgic imitation in the eighteenth century, for this branch of the pastoral seemed to provide an opportunity for bridging the classical education of the elite with rising pride in British commerce (see Crawford 1998; O’Brien 1999; De Bruyn 2005). Later critics, like Thomas Rymer, believed that The Rehearsal put an end to “huffing” heroic drama in rhymed couplets, as Dryden last attempted in Aureng-Zebe (1675).

Richardson’s last two novels all but expunge the presence of the newly monied, one minor exception being Anthony Harlowe, a younger son who joined the East India Company. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.Find this resource: MacLachlan, A. Not only does the labor of the “swain” seem gentle, but his toiling body is usually replaced by the autonomous actions of his tools. • It generally, .

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He may have had particularly in mind James Thomson’s immensely admired The Seasons (1726–1730), which had just been completed when Duck wrote his poem. Now, last and unfortunately least, the lower class men and women did the physical labor and were paid daily or weekly wages (Victorian England: An Introduction 3).

(1985). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.Find this resource: Reeve, C. (1785). (1981). (3)

The sons of merchants tended to remain in the family line of business, though their daughters more often married into the gentry (see Gauci 2001: 70–72, 92–94).

In the 19th century France, the middle and lower classes were greatly increased in populations. The Royal Family 2. The Emergence of a Ruling Order: English Landed Society, 1650–1750. Historians have again debated whether the overthrow of James II can be properly called a “revolution,” as this event was engineered by the aristocracy and great gentry.3 The accession of William III and his wife Mary II nonetheless had a major and long-lasting impact on the social hierarchy and its literary representation. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Suspicions of commercial greed were intensified by the premiership of Sir Robert Walpole from 1721 to 1742. Malden, MA: Blackwell.Find this resource: Landa, L. A. Moreover, the belief that noble or even royal birth carried with it a set of inherent virtues, along with indefeasible prerogatives, could not easily survive the accession of William III, who possessed neither hereditary claims to the throne nor regal graces, even in the eyes of his supporters. He served as the main satiric role model for Pope, who similarly valued his independence and self-sufficiency. See Perkin (1969: 176–217); Laslett (1979: 12–20); Morris (1979); Corfield (1991: 101–130); Barry (1994: 1–27); Cannadine (1998: 24–56). A snob though City-bred, Richardson regarded Fielding’s novels as worthy of a man “born in a stable” (1964: 198) for his licentious comedy involving characters drawn from throughout the social hierarchy.

New York: Alfred A. Knopf.Find this resource: Brown, J. Spiritual Lords 3. What would it be like to live in a world where everyone is put into separate groups based on nothing more than gender, what family you were born into and how much money you make (Victorian England: An Introduction 3-4)? The Diary of John Evelyn, edited by J. Bowle.

The Plays of Richard Steele, edited by S. S. Kenny. To understand this evolving interrelationship between social change and literary form, we need to begin with the confused and volatile situation that existed in the aftermath of the restoration of the monarchy in 1660. Selected Letters, edited by J. Carroll. These new forms were indeed defining, through a long process, what would eventually be recognized as “middle-class” social and aesthetic values, though this term was rarely used until the early nineteenth century (see Wahrman 1995). The Thames, in turn, joins Windsor Palace with London, where the river jointly reflects both the seat of government and St. Mary-le-Bow, symbol of the City: “I see, I see where two fair Cities bend, / Their ample Bow, a new White-Hall ascend!” (Pope 1963: 208).

The same demand was also made by the Whigs Sir Richard Blackmore and Gilbert Burnet. (1956–2002). Reflecting the view that Walpole ruled the nation through financial corruption after the South Sea Bubble in 1720, John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera (1728) dramatized a world in which avarice and peculation had infected all ranks of society, leveling polite society with the inhabitants of Newgate prison.

This gave rise to a new concept known as Bread and Breakfast.

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