soho science

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Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph - LASCO SOL's rotate on a weekly basis, and are selected from members of the SOHO At weekly meetings of the Science Operations Team (SOT), consisting of the operators and planners of the experiments and the Finally, a brief daily meeting is held every day to report on the status of the spacecraft, experiments, ground system, and ongoing Variability of Solar Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations - VIRGO Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electron experiment- ERNE The new archive has been developed in compliance with protocols defined by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). 2 Email:, Christophe Arviset, Head of the Science Archives and Computer Support Engineering Unit LEE.

SOHO is a three-axis stabilised spacecraft that constantly faces the Sun. These archives will contribute to preserving the legacy of ESA's science missions by conserving and providing access to data from all of these missions. 19 the individual experiments. Objectives SOHO was designed to answer the following three fundamental scientific questions about the Sun: Clues on the solar interior come from studying seismic waves that are produced in the turbulent outer shell of the Sun and which appear as ripples on its surface. In addition there is the more formal series of SOHO workshops (held These findings have been documented in an impressive, still growing body of scientific and popular literature. EIT provides full disc images of the Sun at four selected colours in the extreme ultraviolet, mapping the plasma in the low corona and transition region at temperatures between 80 000 and 2 500 000°C.Principal Investigator: F. Auchère, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay, France. spacecraftactivities.Thisisupdatedregularlyandputonthe WWWforanyonetosee(

Ground control is provided via NASA’s Deep Space Network antennae, located at Goldstone (California), Canberra (Australia), and Madrid (Spain). SWAN is the only remote sensing instrument on SOHO that does not look at the Sun. SOHO was designed for a nominal mission lifetime of two years. a coherent programof coordinated observations. of the Sun, using the latest SOHO quicklook data and recent images from other sources. See more. This made SOHO the first three-axis stabilised spacecraft operated without gyroscopes, breaking new ground for future spacecraft designs. The SOHO and Cluster missions, part of ESA’s Solar Terrestrial Science Programme (STSP), are ESA’s contributions to the International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) program, which has involved the work of other spacecraft such as Wind and ACE, which, like SOHO, operate in the vicinity of … 23 11 Ground Control and Science Operations:SOHO is operated from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) near Washington. Monitoring the total solar irradiance (the ‘solar constant’) as well as variations in the extreme ultra violet flux, both of which are important to understand the impact of solar variability on Earth’s climate. for first round selectees) are funded through NASA (US selectees) and the individual national fund- 15 DescriptionSOHO, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA to study the Sun, from its deep core to the outer corona, and the solar wind. purely theoreticalstudiesrelevantto SOHO observations.There are also frequent,informalCollective Data AnalysisWork- MDI records the vertical motion (“tides”) of the Sun's surface at a million different points for each minute. 5 9 Guest Inves-
All 12 instruments were still us-able, most with no ill effects. tion to increase throughthe three channelsdescribed above,while thedirecton-line SOHOdataavailability via theSOHO It is a complementary instrument to ERNE (for more information, see below).Principal Investigator: B. Heber, University of Kiel, Germany.

Preserving the legacy of the ESA science missions. There an integrated team of scientists and engineers from NASA, partner industries, research laboratories and universities works under the overall responsibility of ESA. SOHO was built for ESA by industrial companies in 14 European countries, led by Prime Contractor Matra Marconi (now Astrium). 20 This allowed SOHO to cover an entire 11-year solar cycle (#23) and the rise of the new cycle 24. there is a critical mass of solar physicists already present. UVCS makes measurements in ultraviolet light of the solar corona (between about 1.3 and 12 solar radii from the centre) by creating an artificial solar eclipse. SOHO is a joint ESA-NASA project.

SOHO is unique among Solar physics missions in that data are received "live," and the experimentsare commanded in near real.

Identifying the source regions and acceleration mechanism of the fast solar wind in the magnetically "open" regions at the Sun's poles. Pre-Production. BORDERLAND.

A simple query of all observations within the SOHO science archive, for instance, takes less than a second to return results, a response that could not be achieved using the traditional methods. Because of its spectacular successes, the mission was extended five times (in 1997, 2002, 2006, 2008, and 2010). Workshop" was held in February, and the first SOHO-Yohkohworkshop took place in March, focusing on 6 filament eruptions/ Group and the ESA Science Programme Committee have both advised ESA management that SOHO operation should be continued for an additional 5 years. 21 Intent. You have already liked this page, you can only like it once! Email: It blocks the bright light from the solar disc and allows observation of the less intense emission from the extended corona. ing agencies (Europe). The recently launched ESA SOHO Science Archive allows for seamless access to the complete archive of science data sets from the 12 instruments as soon as the data are processed. MDI also measures the longitudinal component of the Sun’s magnetic field.Principal Investigator: P. H. Scherrer, Stanford University, California, USA. During the building and assembly of the spacecraft, several hundred engineers were employed by the project. Working Team (SWT), consisting of the SOHO PI's and the Project Scientists.

Its design is based on a modular concept with two main elements: the payload module, housing the 12 instrument packages, and the service module, providing essentials such as thrusters, power and communications. 12 SOHO is also, of course, performing solar science. Why does the solar corona exist and how is it heated to the extremely high temperature of about 1 000 000°C? The SOHO science archive is the first in a series of new generation scientific archives being developed and implemented by the Science Archives and Virtual Observatory Team at the European Space Astronomy Centre in Spain. inseveralways.Jointobservationswith partnersallovertheworld,usuallyinvolvemutualdataaccess,andcanoftenbe observers (GBO's) and other spacecraft,proposals for new Joint Observing Programs ( JOPs),for reruns of old ones, and plans These two factors along with the ability to interface with standard analysis tools that are also VO compliant renders this archive an essential tool in solar research. Two of the three on-board gyroscopes failed immediately and a third in December 1998. CME's/flares,wellobserved by both spacecraftand many GBO's.The SOHO EOF/EAFisan ideallocation forsuch work- Proposal Organization This proposal is divided into seven major parts - SOHO Science; Operations, Data Access, and Educa-

What does SOHO stand for in Computer? b ers of the SOHO Science Op erations W orking Group, b oth as individuals and as a group at their meetings. News. The SOL is responsible for maintaining 3 In addition, scientific requirements from the community have been gathered by the Archive Scientists and converted into functionalities within the archives. Besides watching the Sun, SOHO has become the most prolific discoverer of comets in astronomical history: as of January 2011, more than 2000 comets had been found by SOHO. operations/schedule/calendar.html). Atmonthly meetings of the SOHO Science Planning Working Group (SPWG), consisting of representatives of all experiments, Reference Do cume n ts The SOHO Mission: ESA SP-1104 SOHO EID P art A EID P art B of SOHO's exp erimen ts Min utes of the SO W G meetings In terface Con trol Do cumen tbet w een SOHO, EOF, ECS and the SOHO instrumen ts Film News About Contact. Email:, Bernhard Fleck, ESA SOHO Project Scientist It is a complementary instrument to COSTEP.Principal Investigator: E. Valtonen, University of Turku, Finland. ESA's new SOHO science archive now online. The purpose of this proposal is a parallel recommendation to NASA management. It allowed the spacecraft to return to full scientific operations, while providing an even greater margin of safety for spacecraft operations.

Contacts It analyses the density and composition of particles present in this solar wind. By generating table joins "on-the-fly", database searches are improved resulting in better response times when compared to the traditional approach. and theacceptance(orrejection) ofnewly submitted JOPs.The resultsof thismeeting are also madepublic via theSOHO Science and Operations planning SOHO science observing programs are planned through a regular, nested series of meetings that lead to an observing schedule that is both sufficiently predictable to prevent overburdening the experiment teams and flexible enough to allow rapid reaction to observing opportunities and requests.
SOHO has provided an unprecedented breadth and depth of information about the Sun, from its interior, through the hot and dynamic atmosphere, to the solar wind and its interaction with the interstellar medium. This type of tool has contributed to discoveries of new solar phenomena, such as the aforementioned coronal waves, solar tornadoes, and even new comets. For further details about the ESA SOHO Science Archive please contact: Pedro Osuna, Science Archives and VO Team Leader

It watches the rest of the sky, measuring hydrogen that is ‘blowing’ into the Solar System from interstellar space. Innovation and interoperability are key to the new archive. Outside investigator participationCommunity participation in SOHO observations and data analysis is extensive and can arise shops,(CDAW's) involving theoristsand observersfromvariousobservatoriesand experiments.Two ISTP workshopshave Living. tigators (GI's) selected under the ESA/NASA SOHO Guest Investigator Program (see There, SOHO enjoys an uninterrupted view of our daylight star.

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