theodore roosevelt quotes

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Without them the material development of which we are so justly proud could never have taken place. It is unwise to depart from the old American tradition and discriminate for or against any man who desires to come here and become a citizen, save on the ground of that man's fitness for citizenship. We need, first of all and most important of all, the qualities which stand at the base of individual, of family life, the fundamental and essential qualities—the homely, every-day, all-important virtues. Theodore Roosevelt, “There is not one among us in whom a devil does not dwell; at some time, on some point, that devil masters each of us… It is not having been in the Dark House, but having left it, that counts.” He often stunned visitors by reciting whole passages of a book he had read decades before. Theodore Roosevelt, “Order without liberty and liberty without order are equally destructive.” Theodore Roosevelt, “When you’re at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.” In any community of any size the authority of the courts rests upon actual or potential force: on the existence of a police, or on the knowledge that the able-bodied men of the country are both ready and willing to see that the decrees of judicial and legislative bodies are put into effect. Whoever in any part of our country has ever taken part in lawlessly putting to death a criminal by the dreadful torture of fire must forever have the awful spectacle of his own handiwork seared into his brain and soul. 1. There have, of course, been great movements, but they were of practically only one form of activity; and, although usually this set in motion other kinds of activities, such was not always the case. He detested dirty jokes, however, and typically walked away in the middle of a story as soon as he detected its off-color nature. “I think there is only one quality worse than hardness of heart and that is softness of head.”, 21. I feel that you have not only reflected honor upon the state which for its good fortune has you as its chief executive, but upon the whole nation. The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. Do what you can with what you have, where you are. Like many people, I was an ardent admirer of Theodore Roosevelt. We have to play that part. Speech at Osawatomie, Kansas (31 August 1910), published in The New Nationalism (1910). Friends, I will disown and repudiate any man of my party who attacks with such foul slander and abuse any opponent of any other party. Happy reading! A soft, easy life is not worth living, if it impairs the fibre of brain and heart and muscle. Surely, all public men, all writers for the daily press, all clergymen, all teachers, all who in any way have a right to address the public, should, with every energy, unite to denounce such crimes and to support those engaged in putting them down. We know that self-government is difficult. On August 31, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt visited Osawatomie, Kansas and laid out his vision for what he called a "new nationalism." If he can not, then let him give place to the man who can. Reported in, As quoted in "Roosevelt The Greatest Outdoor Man" by Arthur K. Willyoung in, Last words, to his valet, James Amos (6 January 1919), as quoted in. All of the inspirational Theodore Roosevelt quotes – despite being more than 150 years old – have never faded into obscurity. Theodore Roosevelt quotes on everything from America's true purpose to racial equality to the characteristics that make a good person. Theodore Roosevelt, “Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.” Our country has been populated by pioneers, and therefore it has in it more energy, more enterprise, more expansive power than any other in the wide world. But each of us has the right to ask that he shall be protected from wrong-doing as he does his work and carries his burden through life. The supreme difficulty in connection with developing the peace work of The Hague arises from the lack of any executive power, of any police power to enforce the decrees of the court. Yet the Greek civilization itself fell because this many-sided development became too exclusively one of intellect, at the expense of character, at the expense of the fundamental qualities which fit men to govern both themselves and others. It is not enough to be well-meaning and kindly, but weak; neither is it enough to be strong, unless morality and decency go hand in hand with strength. We keep countless men from being good citizens by the conditions of life by which we surround them. Above all, in this speech, as in so many others. Theodore Roosevelt, “We should not forget that it will be just as important to our descendants to be prosperous in their time as it is to us to be prosperous in our time.” It is not true that as the rich have grown richer the poor have grown poorer. The extraordinary outburst of activity among the Mongols of the thirteenth century was almost purely a military movement, without even any great administrative side; and it was therefore well-nigh purely a movement of destruction. Hitherto every civilization that has arisen has been able to develop only a comparatively few activities; that is, its field of endeavor has been limited in kind as well as in locality. Of all the officers of the Government, those of the Department of Justice should be kept most free from any suspicion of improper action on partisan or factional grounds, so that there shall be gradually a growth, even though a slow growth, in the knowledge that the Federal courts and the representatives of the Federal Department of Justice insist on meting out even-handed justice to all. [...] If you are rich and are worth your salt, you will teach your sons that though they may have leisure, it is not to be spent in idleness; for wisely used leisure merely means that those who possess it, being free from the necessity of working for their livelihood, are all the more bound to carry on some kind of non-remunerative work in science, in letters, in art, in exploration, in historical research—work of the type we most need in this country, the successful carrying out of which reflects most honor upon the nation. So the extraordinary Phoenician civilization was almost purely a mercantile, a business civilization, and though it left an impress on the life that came after, this impress was faint indeed compared to that left, for instance, by the Greeks with their many-sided development. We admit with all sincerity that our first duty is within our own household; that we must not merely talk, but act, in favor of cleanliness and decency and righteousness, in all political, social, and civic matters. It is our duty toward the people living in barbarism to see that they are freed from their chains, and we can free them only by destroying barbarism itself. But it is an absolute impossibility to secure such preparedness in full and proper form if it is an isolated feature of our policy. Over the course of his life, he took on the roles of soldier, historian, conservationist, and world traveler, always living for grand adventures and the promotion of progressive values. (MUST READ) The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt. It Does not mean to stand by the President.”, 44. A mere life of ease is not in the end a very satisfactory life, and, above all, it is a life which ultimately unfits those who follow it for serious work in the world. The mere fact of having seen them implies degradation. The fanaticism of Christianity and the fanaticism of Mohammedanism were alike powerless against them. The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living and the get-rich-quick theory of life. Theodore Roosevelt, “Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.” He declared that anyone who worked hard should be able to provide for themselves and their family, and that no one person was more entitled to special privileges than another. The youngest man to become president, he was also the most energetic, zestful chief executive up to that time. Justice Bowling in his speech has described the excellent fourth degree of your order, of how in it you dwell upon duties rather than rights, upon the great duties of patriotism and of national spirit. Next to that and when I am speaking to people who, by birth and training and standing, ought to amount to a great deal, I have a right to say only second to it in criminality comes the life of mere vapid ease, the ignoble life of a man who desires nothing from his years but that they shall be led with the least effort, the least trouble, the greatest amount of physical enjoyment or intellectual enjoyment of a mere dilettante type. “The human body has two ends on it: one to create with and one to sit on. VII : The War of American and the Unready. The idea that our natural resources were inexhaustible still obtained, and there was as yet no real knowledge of their extent and condition. Theodore repeating what his brother, Elliot Roosevelt, said when Theodore reached his home in New York City to find both mother and wife dying on the evening of 13 February 1884; in this same house their father had also died from stomach cancer on 9 February 1878, at the age of 46. Theodore Roosevelt, “The government is us; WE are the government, you and I.” 1 (30 December 1911) p.11, Speak softly and carry a big stick (1901), Address at the Prize Day Exercises at Groton School (1904), The Progressives, Past and Present (1910), California's Policies Proclaimed (Feb. 21, 1911), Address to the Knights of Columbus (1915), Letter to the American Defense Society (1919), Full text online (with at least two typos — in the last sentence of the article) as "How Not To Help Our Poor Brother", Letter to John Hay, American Ambassador to the Court of St. James, London, written in Washington, DC, Talk to schoolchildren in Oyster Bay, Christmastime (1898), Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historical Site -- National Park Service.

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