where did human life start

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), Myth 7: "The product of fertilization, up to 14-days, is not an embryo; it is just a �pre-embryo��and therefore it can be used in experimental research, aborted, or donated.". Just as science distinguishes between different types of cells, it also makes clear distinctions between cells and organisms.

... During the differentiation of gametes, diploid cells (those with a double set of chromosomes, as found in somatic cells [46 chromosomes]) are termed primary, and haploid cells (those with a single set of chromosomes [23 chromosomes]) are called secondary. In fact, it does not reduce its number of chromosomes until and unless it is fertilized by the sperm, during which process the definitive oocyte becomes a secondary oocyte with only 23 chromosomes.4. Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person,  Thornwood, NY.
), Myth 9: "The �morning-after pill,� RU486, and the IUD are not abortifacient; they are only methods of contraception.".

published by authors 1997; distributed by the American Life League, Stafford, VA). 5. 32. If a single sperm or a single oocyte were implanted into a woman�s uterus, they would not grow; they would simply disintegrate. Meiosis 2 is terminated after rupture of the follicle (ovulation) but only if a spermatozoon penetrates.

... Spermatogenesis, the production of spermatozoa, continues from immediately after puberty until old age.

For example, the characteristic number of chromosomes for a member of the human species is 46 (plus or minus, e.g., in human beings with Down�s or Turner�s syndromes). A hydrothermal vent at the bottom of the ocean: Scientists are exploring several possible locations for the origin of life, including tide pools and hot springs.

Fact 3: As demonstrated above, scientifically there is absolutely no question whatsoever that the immediate product of fertilization is a newly existing human being. "7 (Emphasis added.). See also Moore and Persaud, p. 133. Myth 4: "A single-cell human zygote, or embryo, or fetus are not human beings, because they do not look like human beings.". cit., pp. Fact 8: This definition of "pregnancy" was initiated to accommodate the introduction of the process of in vitro fertilization, where fertilization takes place artificially outside the mother in a petri dish, and then the embryo is artificially introduced into the woman�s uterus so that implantation of the embryo can take place. The process includes several stages of maturation�the production of oogonia from primitive germ cells, which in turn become primary oocytes, which become definitive oocytes only at puberty.

The Problem of Handicapped Infants (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 138; Singer and Kuhse, "The ethics of embryo research," Law, Medicine and Health Care, 1987, 14:13-14; Michael Tooley, "Abortion and infanticide," in Marshall Cohen (ed.) The use of massive historically incorrect and theoretically indefensible philosophy in the "delayed personhood" arguments has been addressed in my doctoral dissertation, A Philosophical and Scientific Analysis of the Nature of the Early Human Embryo (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University, Department of Philosophy, 1991); see also several of my previously published articles in my book, co-authored by C. Ward Kischer, supra, note 33, The Human Development Hoax: Time To Tell The Truth!, which gives extensive references pro and con these bioethics arguments.

It is an attempt to deny the early human embryo its real identity as a human being and its real existence. To accurately see why a sperm or an oocyte are considered as only possessing human life, and not as living human beings themselves, one needs to look at the basic scientific facts involved in the processes of gametogenesis and of fertilization. In sum, a mature human sperm and a mature human oocyte are products of gametogenesis�each has only 23 chromosomes. For extensive comments on the make-up of the NIH Human Embryo Research Panel and on its Report, see several of my articles in my book, co-authored with human embryologist C. Ward Kischer, The Human Development Hoax: Time to Tell The Truth! They are objective, verifiable scientific criteria that determine precisely when a new cell type is formed. Thus simply on the level of science, the philosophical claim of "personhood" advanced by these bioethicists is invalid and indefensible. (If the sperm contains 22 autosomes and 2 X chromosomes, the embryo will be a genetic female, and if it contains 22 autosomes and an X and a Y chromosome, the embryo will be a genetic male.

"9 (Emphasis added.). Fact 5: The immediate product of fertilization is genetically already a girl or a boy�determined by the kind of sperm that fertilizes the oocyte.

Frey has also published that many of the adult human beings on the above list are not "persons," and suggests that they be substituted for the higher primates who are "persons" in purely destructive experimental research.44 The list goes on.

Fact 9: The "morning-after pill," RU486, and the IUD can be abortifacient, if fertilization has taken place.

The conclusion that human life begins at sperm-egg fusion is uncontested, objective, based on the universally accepted scientific method of distinguishing different cell types from each other and on ample scientific evidence (thousands of independent, peer-reviewed publications). Importantly, the cells, tissues and organs produced during development do not somehow “generate” the embryo (as if there were some unseen, mysterious “manufacturer” directing this process), they are produced by the embryo as it directs its own development to more mature stages of human life.

Fertilization refers to the initiation of a new human being. Obviously, if the embryo is not within the woman�s body, she is not "pregnant" in the literal, traditional sense of the term.

This theory of recapitulation, however, has had a �regrettable influence in the progress of embryology� (citing de Beer).

At least it will clarify what the actual international consensus of human embryologists is with regard to this relatively simple scientific question. E.g., as determined in extensive numbers of transgenic mice experiments as in Kollias et al., "The human beta-globulin gene contains a downstream developmental specific enhancer," Nucleic Acids Research 15(14) (July, 1987), 5739-47; also similar work by, e.g., R.K. Humphries, A. Schnieke.

Finally, McCormick claims that this "pre-embryo" has not yet decided how many individuals it will become, since the cells are totipotent and twinning can still take place. 2. 19. They behave like cells, not like organisms.

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