saturn ii moon

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Puck • S/2004 S 4 was most likely a transient clump—it has not been recovered since the first sighting. Helike • It is not yet clear if these are real satellites or merely persistent clumps within the F Ring. Perdita • Bebhionn • Erriapus • Mimas • Prospero •

This image of Saturn's moon, Titan, was among the last obtained by Cassini's narrow-angle camera on September 13, 2017. Cassini took this image of Saturn's moon Titan in 2012.

Kiviuq • There is evidence of liquid water from underground salty water deposits (approximately 6 miles thick) and geysers near the south pole.

S/2003 J 9 • Helene • Thrymr • Burns, J. Joseph, T.J. Loredo, P. Helfenstein, C. Porco: L. Iess, D.J. [14] In particular, the then known seven satellites were named after Titans, Titanesses and Giants—brothers and sisters of Cronus. This is a world of unique complexity, made up of a central body and its satellites, not to mention the famous ring surrounding the planet at its equator. "Saturn overtakes Jupiter as planet with most moons", "Solar System Exploration Planets Saturn: Moons: S/2009 S1", "The Giant Planet Satellite and Moon Page", "Titan: Facts About Saturn's Largest Moon", "Enceladus - Overview - Planets - NASA Solar System Exploration", "Help Name 20 Newly Discovered Moons of Saturn! Icarus. The Norse (or Phoebe) group consists of 46 retrograde outer moons. The arrival of the Voyager spacecraft at Saturn in 1980–1981 resulted in the discovery of three additional moons – Atlas, Prometheus and Pandora, bringing the total to 17. S/2017 J 2 • It's the only known moon with a considerable atmosphere and the only planetary body in addition to Earth with liquid rivers and lakes on its surface.

Kari • Eupheme • Three small moons orbit between Mimas and Enceladus: Methone, Anthe, and Pallene. Die Rotationszeit ist gleich der Umlaufzeit und Enceladus weist damit, wie der Erdmond und alle großen Trabanten der Gasriesen, eine synchrone Rotation auf, die sich somit ebenfalls binnen 1 Tag, 8 Stunden, 53 Minuten und 6,82 Sekunden vollzieht, zeigt also immer mit derselben Hemisphäre zu Saturn. Arche • Moon and Saturn II Look for Saturn to the right of the Moon tonight, shining like a bright star.

S/2004 S 25 • Das Ringmaterial kann sich zwar nicht länger als einige tausend Jahre auf seiner Bahn halten, jedoch sorgt die geologische Aktivität des Mondes für ständigen Nachschub. Eirene •

[28][37] The moons are Ijiraq, Kiviuq, Paaliaq, Siarnaq, and Tarqeq,[37] along with two unnamed moons S/2004 S 29 and S/2004 S 31. Am 9. August 2015. [26]. The remaining regular moons orbit near the outer edge of the A Ring, within G Ring and between the major moons Mimas and Enceladus.

S/2016 J 1 • [21][25] These moons together with co-orbitals (see below) probably formed as a result of accretion of the friable ring material on preexisting denser cores. Enceladus ist der sechstgrößte Saturnmond und rangiert im gesamten Sonnensystem auf dem 17. Bergelmir • Die Messergebnisse zeigten eine viel höhere Dichte von flüchtigen Gasen wie Wasserdampf, Kohlendioxid und Kohlenmonoxid als angenommen. This mosaic was created from 21 false-color images taken during Cassini's close approaches to Enceladus on March 9 and July 14, 2005. Halimede • As well as photographically documenting the surface geology using the camera system on board the Cassini spacecraft, another principal objective of the Cassini-Huygens mission is to study the chemical and mineralogical composition of the planet's moons using the spectrometers onboard the Cassini probe (and in the case of Titan, the Huygens lander). [46], In April 2014, NASA scientists reported the possible consolidation of a new moon within the A Ring. Juliet • [9], Similar moonlets may reside in the F Ring. Allerdings ist dieser Mechanismus nicht ausreichend, um genügend Wärme zur Verflüssigung von Wassereis zu erzeugen. ", "Historical Background of Saturn's Rings (1655)", "Naming the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, "Cassini Imaging Science: Initial Results on Saturn's Rings and Small Satellites", "Hints of Unseen Moons in Saturn's Rings", "The Dust Halo of Saturn's Largest Icy Moon, Rhea", "NASA Cassini Images May Reveal Birth of a Saturn Moon", "Irregular Satellites of the Planets: Products of Capture in the Early Solar System", "Planet and Satellite Names and Discoverers", "Sizes, shapes, and derived properties of the saturnian satellites after the Cassini nominal mission", "The Gravity Field of the Saturnian System from Satellite Observations and Spacecraft Tracking Data", "Saturn's Small Inner Satellites:Clues to Their Origins", "The determination of the structure of Saturn's F ring by nearby moonlets", "The orbits of Saturn's small satellites derived from combined historic and, "Shapes of the saturnian icy satellites and their significance", "Large impact features on middle-sized icy satellites", "Cassini Observes the Active South Pole of Enceladus", "Enceladus: A significant plasma source for Saturn's magnetosphere", "Cassini Images Ring Arcs Among Saturn's Moons (Cassini Press Release)", "Cassini goodies: Telesto, Janus, Prometheus, Pandora, F ring", "Imaging of Titan from the Cassini spacecraft", "Titan's Building Blocks Might Pre-date Saturn", "Cryovolcanic features on Titan's surface as revealed by the Cassini Titan Radar Mapper", "The Sand Seas of Titan: Cassini RADAR Observations of Longitudinal Dunes", "Ocean on Saturn Moon Could be as Salty as the Dead Sea", "Cassini Imaging Science: Initial Results on Phoebe and Iapetus", "Iapetus: Unique Surface Properties and a Global Color Dichotomy from Cassini Imaging", "Topographic modeling of Phoebe using Cassini images", "P/2020 F1 (Leonard): A previous-perihelion precovery, and a very, very young comet", "Moons of Saturn may be younger than the dinosaurs", "Simulation showing the position of Saturn's Moon", List of interstellar and circumstellar molecules,, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Were undetected in thorough imaging of the region in November 2004, making their existence improbable, Consistently detected into 2005, may be surrounded by fine dust and have a very small physical core, This page was last edited on 22 October 2020, at 19:45. Trinculo • Fifty-three moons are confirmed and named and another 29 moons are awaiting confirmation of discovery and official naming. By Mark Owuor Otieno on September 4 2017 in World Facts. The natural satellites of the planet Saturn, Artist's concepts of the Saturnian ring–moon system, Saturn, its rings and major icy moons—from Mimas to Rhea.

Die Gase stammen entweder von der Oberfläche oder aus dem Inneren des Mondes. Images of several moons of Saturn. What you see in the photo are clouds in the atmosphere, silhouetted against that inner glow, according to NASA. With the exception of Titan, however, Saturn's moons are much smaller than Jupiter's four large moons: Ganymede (the largest satellite in the solar system), Callisto, Io and Europa, known collectively as the 'Galilean' moons after the astronomer who discovered them. Voyager 1 and 2 – Atlas of Six Saturnian Satellites, NASA-Artikel zur Entdeckung von flüssigem Wasser,, NASA's Cassini Discovers Potential Liquid Water on Enceladus. The F Ring also contains transient "fans" which are thought to result from even smaller moonlets, about 1 km in diameter, orbiting near the F Ring core. A confirmed moon is given a permanent designation by the. S/2004 S 29 • [4] In April 2014, the possible beginning of a new moon, within the A Ring, was reported. Im Innern von Enceladus könnten chemische Stoffe vorhanden sein, die den Schmelzpunkt des Eises herabsetzen. The photometric color may be used as a proxy for the chemical composition of satellites' surfaces. Tethys has two trojan moons, Telesto (leading) and Calypso (trailing), and Dione also has two, Helene (leading) and Polydeuces (trailing). Skathi • Titan is unique in our solar system. Beginning in 2000, however, three dozen additional irregular moons have been discovered using ground-based telescopes. The relatively large Hyperion is locked in a resonance with Titan. [55], Trojan moons are a unique feature only known from the Saturnian system.

Ganymed • Outside the Saturn system, Cassini also observed Himalia, the largest irregular moon of Jupiter, during the Jupiter flyby in December 2000. The images were taken two days before Cassini plunged into Saturn's atmosphere. Prometheus •

NASA estimates Titan’s orbital eccentricity to be 0.0288, with an orbital plane incline of 0.348° to the Saturnian equator.

Dione • Sie sollten nach Geschwistern des Titanen Kronos benannt werden, der dem römischen Saturn entspricht. Die Umgebung erinnert in ihrem Aussehen an eine vorübergehend erstarrte zähflüssige Masse. Die Rotationsachse ist nicht gegen die Umlaufbahn geneigt, steht also senkrecht auf der Umlaufebene. Scientists describe Enceladus' shape as scalene ellipsoid, orbiting 147886.344 miles from Saturn’s center and 111846.82 miles from its clouds.

[25] In July of the same year, S/2009 S 1, the first moonlet within the B Ring, was observed.

Abgerufen am 15.

North American studied three versions with the S-IC first stage removed: the INT-17, a two-stage vehicle with a low Earth orbitpayload capability of 47,000 pounds (21,000 kg); the IN… Skoll • März 2006 teilte die NASA mit, dass Aufnahmen von Cassini flüssiges Wasser in der Südpolregion von Enceladus vermuten lassen. The largest of the irregular moons is Phoebe, the ninth moon of Saturn, discovered at the end of the 19th century. [41] Janus and Epimetheus have orbits with only a few kilometers difference in semi-major axis, close enough that they would collide if they attempted to pass each other.

[9] This region is relatively free from the disturbances caused by resonances with larger satellites,[9] although other areas of the A Ring without disturbances are apparently free of moonlets. Pasithee • Like the gas giant Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, the moons of Saturn vary enormously in their composition and the age of their surfaces. [2][3][4] Seven Saturnian moons are large enough to have collapsed into a relaxed, ellipsoidal shape, though only one or two of those, Titan and possibly Rhea, are currently in hydrostatic equilibrium. Die Raumsonde Cassini untersuchte den Mond bei mehreren nahen Vorbeiflügen ab März 2005. Anthe and Methone have very faint ring arcs along their orbits, whereas Pallene has a faint complete ring. Surtur • The Gallic group are four prograde outer moons that are similar enough in their distance from the planet (207–302 radii of Saturn), their orbital inclination (35–40°) and their color that they can be considered a group. Titan is tidally locked in a synchronous rotation with Saturn, thus constantly showing one side.

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